Magic Item Compendium 5e - New 5e D&D Magic Items ...
Campaign: The Lost Mine

Last Updated: April 13, 2024

Armor | Potions | Rings| Rods | Scrolls | Staffs | Wands | Weapons | Wondrous Items |
Artifacts | Cursed | Sentient |

DM HOUSE RULE: characters can attune to number of magic items = 1 + proficiency bonus

**** = item available


  • Dragonguard - Adamantine Breastplate +1, no crits against you, adv on saves vs dragon type breath (rare)
  • Elven Glamerweave - Glamoured Elven Chain Shirt +1 with Glamerweave, proficient (rare)
  • Green Dragon Scale Mail - Scale Mail +1, advantage vs Frightful Presence and dragon breath weapons, resistance vs poison, detect green dragons (very rare, requires attunement)
  • Netheril Splint Armor - Splint Armor +1 (rare)
  • Pearl's Plate - Unbreakable Celestial Cast-off Adamantine Plate Armor +1, no crits against you (rare)


  • Heraldic Shield - Shield +2, display any heraldic symbol (rare)
  • Sentinel Shield - Sentinel Shield +1, advantage on initiative rolls and Perception checks (uncommon)


    DM HOUSE RULE: Oils/Potions/Poisons can be used/drunk/applied as a bonus action

  • Potion of Bless - drinker only under effect of "Bless" spell (uncommon)
  • Potion of Defence - drinker only, +2 AC bonus for five rounds (uncommon)
  • Potion of Holiness - convert all damage you do to radiant damage for 5 rounds (rare)


  • Merfolk Friendship Ring - +1 AC, +1 saves, breathe water, swim speed, speak aquan (rare, requires attunement)
  • Ring of Free Movement - treat difficult terrain as normal terrain for movement (uncommon)


  • Scrolls

  • Staffs

  • Bird Glass Staff - Staff of Defence, +1 AC, cast "mage armor", "shield", bird calls (rare, requires attunement)
  • Spider Staff - Fiendish Adamantine Quarterstaff, does +1d6 extra poison damage/hit, cast "spider climb", "web" (rare, adamantine, requires attunement)
  • "The Tickler" - Celestial Quarterstaff +1 hit/damage, cast "feather fall" (uncommon)


  • Deikonran Stunner - Wand of Lightning Bolts (rare, requires attunement by a spellcaster)


  • Bertha - Mace, Deikonran's favourite weapon (non-magical)
  • Deikonran Poker - Shortbow +1 (uncommon)
  • Flattener - Large Ogre Maul, 4d6 base damage, disadvantage to hit since too big (non-magical)
  • Flying Stabby - Javelin, Deikonran's favourite weapon (non-magical)
  • Hew - Silver Battleaxe +2, max damage vs plants, Deikonran's favourite weapon (rare, silvered)
  • Lightbringer - Mace +1, sheds light on command, +1d6 radiant damage vs undead (uncommon)
  • Mace of the Moonmaiden - Silver Mace +2, detect weres r=120 ft, +1d6 radiant damage vs evil weres and Malar worshipers (rare, silvered)
  • Poison Dagger - Dagger +1: does 1d4 poison base damage, instead of piercing (rare)
  • Pounder - Large Ogre Greatclub +1: 2d8 base damage, but disadvantage to hit since too big (uncommon)
  • Rumba - Rapier +2 (rare)
  • Spear of Wounding - Magic Spear, wounding (rare, requires attunement)
  • Talon - Silver Longsword +1 (uncommon, silvered)
  • Tango - Shortsword +1 (uncommon)
  • Tenderizer - Maul, Deikonran's favourite weapon (non-magical)
  • Thor's Javelin - Magic Javelin, +4d6 lightning, lightning/thunder resistance (uncommon, requires attunement)
  • Unholy Dagger - Dagger +1: does 1d4 necrotic base damage, instead of piercing (rare)
  • WoNo - Great Axe, Deikonran's favourite weapon (non-magical)

    Wonderous Items

  • Boots of Elvenkind and False Tracks - stealth at adv, fake humanoid prints (uncommon)
  • Boots of Speedy Stealth and Deception - double walk speed, disadvantage vs opportunity attack, stealth at adv, fake humanoid prints (rare, requires attunement)
  • Cape of the Manta Ray Mountebank - teleport, breathe water, swim speed (rare)
  • Cloak of the Elven Montebank - teleport, stealth at adv, other's perception at dis (rare, requires attunement)
  • Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power - gauntlets of ogre power, STR=19 (uncommon, requires attunement)
  • Goggles of the Owlette - dark vision, minute seeing (uncommon)
  • Jebalek's Clockwork Amulet - clockwork amulet, +2 initiative, to hit roll= 10 + bonuses 1/day (uncommon)
  • Loudmouth - 15-foot cone, 5d6 thunder damage and push 10 feet, DC 15 saving throw for half (rare)
  • Moon Bracers - dimension door 1/day (rare)
  • Moon Cloak - +1 AC, +1 saves, water walking, temperate, billowing (uncommon, requires attunement)
  • Moon Mote - cast "dancing lights" cantrip at will (uncommon)
  • Necklace of the Harvest - resistance to necrotic damage (rare, requires attunement)
  • Pearl of the Moon - pearl of power (uncommon, requires attunement)
  • Periapt of Immunity and Good Fortune - immune disease and poison, heal via booze, dictate fate (rare)
  • Scuro's Gauntlets of Ogre Power - gauntlets of ogre power, STR=19 (uncommon, requires attunement)
  • Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt - periapt of health and proof against poison (rare)
  • Selune's Crescent Moon Amulet - Amulet of the Devout, Selune worshippers only, Compass (varies, requires attunement by a cleric or paladin)


  • Cursed

  • Sentient

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