Jebalek's Clockwork Amulet
(wondrous item, uncommon)

Last Updated: October 22, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This copper amulet contains tiny interlocking gears. A creature that puts an ear to the amulet can hear faint ticking and whirring noises coming from within, along with faint grumbles and mutters in the gnomish tongue.

When you make an attack roll while wearing "Jebalek's Clockwork Amulet", you can forgo rolling the d20 to get a 10 on the die. Once used, this property can't be used again until the next dawn.

An echo of Jebalek the Gnome's grumbles and mutters were imprinted upon the amulet during its creation. A creature who listens carefully to the item might learn something useful, or not.

In addition, "Jebalek's Clockwork Amulet" whispers warnings to its bearer, granting a +2 bonus to initiative if the bearer isn't incapacitated.


  • "Jebalek's Notebook on the Proper Craft and Art of Spellweaving for Gnomes on all Things Illusionary and Arcane" details how Jebalek the Gnome crafted this particular clockwork amulet.
  • It is unclear if Jebalek the Gnome was driven insane by the shadow weave or if he was always a little touched in the head.
  • Linene Graywind, the master of the Phandalin Lionshields outpost, had "Jebalek's Clockwork Amulet" available to give to Pearl to repay the store credit she owed Pearl.
  • "Hun, ya might find this useful, gives ya an edge in combat, and can guarantee one success in combat, which if used at the right moment, can turn the entire battle in ya favour."
  • "Since I still owe ya a bit of store credit (24 gp), I'll let ya have it for a mere 26 gold coins, then we be even steven."

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 100 gp. Since its value is now more than 100 gp, it is considered an uncommon item.
    - 50 gp for the Clockwork Amulet (common item) from Xanathar's guide p137
    - 50 gp for the Guardian (common ability)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: Gnome
    - minor property: Guardian
    - quirk: Muttering

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