Pearl's Plate
(armor, rare)

Last Updated: November 20, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This suit of plate armor has a pearly white sheen. Platinum filigree reminiscent of celestial imagery - feathers, stars, moons - adorn its edges.

Pearl's Plate is Unbreakable Celestial Cast-off Adamantine Plate Armor +1. It provides a +1 bonus to AC.

Pearl's Plate is made entirely from adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you're wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.

If targetted as an object, it is immune to poison and psychic damage. In addition, Pearl's Plate is unbreakable. This makes the armor immune to physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing, slashing).
The only way to do physical damage to Pearl's Plate is for an attacker to wield an adamantine weapon forged by a fiend against the armor.
Note that adamantine weapons cost +500 gp and if it hits an object, the hit is automatically a critical hit.
The Spider Staff is one example of a known fiendish adamantine weapon.
Other damage types will affect the armor normally.
As adamantine, the armor's object AC is 23, and it has 25 hp per square foot. Each square foot of danage will reduce the base armor's effective AC by 1.
This "AC damage" would stack with a rust monster's rusting attack.
Each square foot can be repaired with each use of a "mending" cantrip. However, if the armor AC is reduced from 18 to 10, then it is beyond repair.

Due to its celestial heritage, fiends find the presence of Pearl's Plate repulsive.

The celestial armorers installed easy to use quick release latches activated by a command word. Thus, it only takes an action to doff or take-off Pearl's Plate instead of the normal 5 minutes.


  • Pearl's Plate was created eons ago by ancient celestial armorers who only used adamantine, the star metal, in their creations.
  • Pearl of the Moon purchased Pearl's Plate in the town of Farway.
  • After the defeat of the Blood Moon Cult, the Temple of Selune in Farway enhanced Pearl's Plate with additional protective magic.

    Design Notes:

    Its value is 2,200 gp.
    = 1,500 gp for the Plate Armor (base equipment)
    = +100 gp for adamantine armor (uncommon ability)
    = +50 gp for cast-off (common/minor property)
    = +50 gp for unbreakable (common/minor property)
    = +500 gp for AC +1 (rare ability)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: Celestial
    - history: n/a
    - minor property: Unbreakable
    - quirk: n/a

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