Thor's Javelin
(weapon, uncommon, requires attunement)

Last Updated: April 9, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This ancient javalin is incribed with nordic runes along with lightning and thunder cloud symbols etched into its shaft.
Holding the javalin provides a tingling sensation and makes the wielder's hair all stand on end.
The holder also glows with a multicolored nimbus like the northern lights, getting brighter and dimmer every turn.
This effect only occurs when the javalin is held in one's hands, but not when carried on your person.

"Thor's Javelin" is considered a magic weapon, even if not attuned. However, it does not provide a bonus to hit or damage.
Once attuned, the javelin of lightning properties and the "Charm of the Stormrider" can be accessed.

When you hurl it and speak its command word, "Thor's Javelin" transforms into a bolt of lightning, forming a line 5 feet wide that extends out from you to a target within 120 feet.
Each creature in the line excluding you and the target must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.
The lightning bolt turns back into a javelin when it reaches the target. Make a ranged weapon attack against the target.
On a hit, the target takes damage from the javelin plus 4d6 lightning damage.

The javelin's lightning bolt property can't be used again until the next dawn.
In the meantime, "Thor's Javelin" can still be used as a magic weapon.

Unlike a standard javelin of lightning, "Thor's Javelin" bestows a charm upon the first character who attunes it: the "Charm of the Stormrider".
As an action you can activate the charm to gain resistance to lightning and thunder damage for 1 hour.
The"Charm of the Stormrider" property can't be used again until the next dawn.


  • Coalkell, the Ogre Lord, along with his Trollkin and Kobold allies raided the fishing town of Nargenstal, slaying the inhabitants who could not flee.
  • Heroes were able to liberate Nargenstal from Coalkell, the Ogre Lord, and his minions.
  • As the heroes recovered, a second wave of Trollkin and Kobold raiders arrived under the leadersip of a pale-skinned Dhampir named Vinder Gandelossen, the Red Hunter.
  • Vinder Gandelossen, the Red Hunter had hired the raiders to attack Nargenstal as he wanted "Thor's Javelin" for himself.
  • The heroes had found "Thor's Javelin" hidden in the fishing town of Nargenstal, specifically in the Frost Maiden Inn's cellar within a false beam in the ceiling.
  • Deikonran the dwarven barbarian laid claim to "Thor's Javelin" after the final battle and defeat of the Red Hunter.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 200 gp.
    - 100 gp for javelin of lightning (uncommon ability).
    - 100 gp for Charm of the Stormrider (uncommon ability).

    From Kobold Press's "The Raven's Call" for 5e.
    changed the charm usage to once/day for an hour

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