Moon Cloak
(wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement)

Last Updated: November 20, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This is a silver gray cloak.

Once attuned to and wearing the "Moon Cloak", the wearer:

  • Gains a +l bonus to AC and saving throws.
  • Can stand on and move across any liquid surface as if it were solid ground.
  • Suffers no harm in temperatures as cold as -20 degrees Fahrenheit or as warm as 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Can use a bonus action to make it billow dramatically.


  • The "Moon Cloak" is created during the Mystery of Night, an annual religous ceremony for followers of Selune.
  • Selune, the Moon Maiden, will turn offerings of wine and milk into Moonfire, which is used to create a variety of magical items, including "Moon Cloaks"
  • Daran Edermath, a fellow follower of Selune, presented his "Moon Cloak" to Pearl when she joined "The Order of the Gauntlet".
  • In return, Pearl donated a tithe (200 gp) to the Order to help Daran with managing operations around Phandalin.
  • After the defeat of the Blood Moon Cult, the Temple of Selune in Farway enhanced the "Moon Cloak" for Pearl to have the temperate and billowing abilities.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 300 gp.
    = 100 gp for the cloak of protection (uncommon item)
    = +100 gp for abilities of ring of water walking (uncommon item)
    = +50 gp for temperate (common ability/minor property)
    = +50 gp for billowing (common ability/minor property) - my mini has a billowing cloak, so ...

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic items unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: n/a
    - history: Religious (Selune religious item and built it into "the order of the gauntlet" invite from Daran)
    - minor property: n/a
    - quirk: n/a

    The "Moon Cloak" is originally from "3.5 Magic of Faerun", and is created by the followers of Selune. The 3.5 version acted as a cloak of protection and also gave the user waterwalking and levitate ability, however, this version does not have levitate since that would be a rare ability and require attunement. Since the cloak of protection requires attunement and the ring of water walking does not, Pearl would still be able to wear and use both items anyway, so why not combine the two into one item to create a 5e "Moon Cloak".

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