Mace of the Moonmaiden
(weapon, rare, silvered)

Last Updated: November 20, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This is a silver mace decorated with the holy symbol of Selune, the Moon Goddess.

The "Mace of the Moonmaiden" is a Silver Mace +2, which provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Some monsters that are susceptible to silver weapons are thus vulnerable to the "Mace of the Moonmaiden".

The "Mace of the Moonmaiden" glows faintly when were creatures are within 120 feet of it and does +1d6 radiant damage to any evil were creature or worshiper of Malar.

The "Mace of the Moonmaiden" can be used as a holy symbol and spellcasting focus by clerics or paladins of Selune.


  • The "Mace of the Moonmaiden" is a religious weapon created by the followers of Selune in their war against the evil lycanthropes of Malar.
  • With a good word put in by Daran Edermath to the Church of Selune in Neverwinter, Linene Graywind, the master of the Phandalin Lionshields outpost, was able to procur the "Mace of the Moonmaiden" to give to Pearl to repay the store credit she owed Pearl.
  • After the defeat of the Blood Moon Cult, the Temple of Selune in Farway enhanced the "Mace of the Moonmaiden" with increased striking power and the ability to do radiant damage against evil were creatures and the worshipers of Malar.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 755 gp.
    = 105 gp for a silvered mace.
    = +500 gp for +2 hit/damage (rare ability)
    = +50 gp for Sentinel (common property)
    = +100 gp for +1d6 radiant damage vs evil weres and Malar worshipers (uncommon ability)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: n/a
    - history: Religious
    - minor property: Sentinel.
    - quirk: n/a

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