(weapon, rare, silvered)

Last Updated: December 11, 2022
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This is a tarnished old versatile silver battleaxe, with dwarven runes inscribed on the axe head.

"Hew" is a +2 Silver Battleaxe, which provides a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
It also deals maximum damage when the wielder hits a plant creature or an object made of wood.
Some monsters that have immunity or resistance to non-magical weapons are susceptible to silver weapons, and are thus vulnerable to "Hew".

Whoever carries the axe feels uneasy whenever he or she travels through a Forest.


  • The axe's creator was a dwarf smith who feuded with the dryads of a Forest where he cut firewood.
  • Found by Deikonran in the old wizard tower of Thundertree that was being used as a lair by a young green dragon named Venomfang.
  • Deikonran arranged to have the Weaponsmith of Phandalin plate "Hew" with silver to make it look "shiny" instead of "rusty old iron".
  • For some reason, no matter how much Deikonran cleans "Hew", it always remains tarnished.
  • "Hew" is Deikonran's favourite weapon to slice and dice his enemies into a bloody mess.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 700 gp.
    - 500 gp for the battleaxe +2 (rare item) + 100 gp for the extra ability to do max damage to plants/wood, and 100 gp to be plated in silver.

    This is an item from the official D&D "Lost Mine" adventure. However, DM upgraded it to a battleaxe +2, instead of the original +1.

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