Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power
(wondrous item, uncommon, requires attunement)

Last Updated: October 24, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This pair of shiny steel gauntlets have been polished to an almost mirror finish. Dwarven runes are etched into the metal plates.

Your Strength score is 19 while you wear the "Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power".
They have no effect on you if your Strength is 19 or higher without them.
The "Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power Strength" never get dirty.


  • The Dwarven runes etched into the metal plates of the "Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power" translate as "Let my enemies own strength defeat them".
  • Pearl recovered the "Gleaming Gauntlets of Ogre Power" from a ravine in Wave Echo Cave.
  • Pearl then gave "Scuro's Gauntlets of Ogre Power" to Deikonran in case he needed it for that "Hammer of Thunderbolts" triple combo threat.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 150 gp.
    - 100 gp for gauntlets of ogre power (uncommon item).
    - 50 gp for Gleaming (common property).

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: Dwarf
    - minor property: Gleaming

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