Moon Mote
(wondrous item, uncommon)

Last Updated: April 14, 2024
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This is a round pale white stone.

While a "Moon Mote" is in your possession, you can cast the dancing lights cantrip as an action.


  • A "Moon Mote" is created during the Mystery of Night, an annual religous ceremony for followers of Selune.
  • Selune, the Moon Maiden, will turn offerings of wine and milk into Moonfire, which is used to create a variety of magical items, including "Moon Motes".
  • Pearl obtained her "Moon Mote" from the Temple of Selune in Farway.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 100 gp.
    = 100 gp to cast dancing lights cantrip (uncommon ability)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic items unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: n/a
    - history: Religious (Selune religious item)
    - minor property: n/a
    - quirk: n/a

    A "Moon Mote" is originally from "3.5 Magic of Faerun", and is created by the followers of Selune. This version of the "Moon Mote" is similar in power level to a drift globe which lets you use the light cantrip.

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