Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt
(wondrous item, rare)

Last Updated: October 24, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This silver chain necklace holds a disc shaped pendant, half of which is deep black hematite and the other half is a brilliant white moonstone.

"Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt" never gets dirty and shines with a gleaming quality. No attunement is required to use this item.

You are immune to contracting any disease while you wear "Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt". If you are already infected with a disease, the effects of the disease are suppressed while you wear "Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt".

In addition, poisons have no effect on you while you wear "Scuro's Double-Proof Periapt". You are immune to the poisoned condition and have immunity to poison damage.


  • Sigh Onic found this item at the tower of the Old Owl Well which was known to be ruins from the ancient Netherese empire.
  • Remembering well his lessons and using his scholarly abilities, Sigh Onic recognized the wizardly mark in the pendant as belonging to the Netherese True Necromancer, the Imax Scuro Forzar, whose final fate was a topic of various theories.
  • Sigh Onic was taught that these periapts were given to his favourite concubines and harem girls to mark them as untouchable to his undead vassals.
  • These ladies would then use it as a Symbol of Power to indicate their privileges.
  • Oddly enough, Obsidiana found and purchased a similar "Double-Proof Periapt" for sale from Linene Graywind, the master of the Phandalin Lionshields outpost.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 650 gp.
    - 100 gp for the abilities of a periapt of health (uncommon item)
    - 500 gp for the abilities of a periapt of proof against poison.
    - 50 gp for Gleaming (common property).

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creation-Human
    - minor property: Gleaming

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