Crystal Chernov

Last Updated: February 11, 2014

Character stats for Crystal Chernov are located below.

Crystal Chernov had just completed the "Ritual of Honest Pain" when followers of the false god "Bane" burst into the Temple of Cyric. Realizing that the forces of Cyric were being overwhelmed, she led a band of devouted Cyric followers out of Zhentil Keep using some of her new abilities.

Once safe, she and her companions fled to the Dalelands and have since become bandits.

However, any opportunity to foil the followers of Bane is welcome (even better if they can trick a bunch of do-gooders to do the job for them).

  • Chapter 1 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" at level 2 - part 1
  • Chapter 2 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" at level 2 - part 2
  • Chapter 3 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" and undead minions at level 3 - part 1
  • Chapter 4 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" and undead minions at level 3 - part 2
  • Chapter 5 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" and undead minions at level 4 - part 1
  • Chapter 6 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov" and undead minions at level 4 - part 2
  • Chapter 7 - Character Stats for "Crystal Chernov", skeletons and zombies at level 5 - part 1

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