Magic Item Compendium 5e - New 5e D&D Magic Items ...
Campaign: The Lost Mine - Ian

Last Updated: April 13, 2024

Armor | Potions | Rings| Rods | Scrolls | Staffs | Wands | Weapons | Wondrous Items |
Artifacts | Cursed | Sentient |

DM HOUSE RULE: characters can attune to number of magic items = 1 + proficiency bonus

**** = item available


  • Silence in Shadows - Elven Chain Shirt +1, proficient, full DEX to AC, gain advantage stealth (rare)


  • Potions

    DM HOUSE RULE: Oils/Potions/Poisons can be used/drunk/applied as a bonus action

  • Rings

  • Rods

  • Scrolls

  • Staffs

  • Feather Staff - Magic Quarterstaff, finesse and light weapon properties (uncommon)
  • Staff of Defence - AC +1, cast "mage armor", "shield", (rare, requires attunement)


  • Weapons

  • Azdraka's Bane - Shortsword +1, dragonslayer +3d6 vs dragons, detect dragon 120 ft (rare)
  • Farshot - Magic Longbow +1, no disadvantage for long range (uncommon)
  • First Strike - Magic Rapier, light weapon property, grants bearer +2 to initiative (uncommon)
  • Heartseeker of the Sea - Dagger +1, compass, speak aquan (uncommon)

    Wonderous Items

  • Goblin Hat of Vermin - summon bat, rat or frog = 1 charge, 3 charge/day (common)
  • Jade Frog Figurine - waterborne, adv on STR (athletics) to swim (common)
  • Skeletal Steed - undead warhorse (rare)


  • Cursed

  • Sentient

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