Azdraka's Bane
(weapon, rare)

Last Updated: February 25, 2024
Campaign: The Lost Mine - Ian

This shortsword appears to be made from a copper tooth of a large wyrm. The hilt is copper and has a green emerald in its pommel. The copper in both the blade and hilt has a greenish tint to it.

"Azdraka's Bane" is a magic shortsword that provides a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls.

When you hit a dragon with "Azdraka's Bane", the dragon takes an extra 3d6 damage of the weapon's type.
For the purpose of this weapon, "dragon" refers to any creature with the dragon type, including dragon turtles and wyverns.

"Azdraka's Bane" grows slightly warm when within 120 feet of a dragon.


  • Azdraka, a greendragon that had long terrorized the High Road, had slain one of its protectors, a copper dragon.
  • "Azdraka's Bane" was made from a tooth of the fallen copper dragon.
  • Lady Tanamere Alagondar was a royal scion of Neverwinter more than a century ago.
  • Along with two parties of adventurers, she fought and killed Azdraka using "Azdraka's Bane".
  • Lady Alagondar died in the battle and was laid to rest beneath a barrow near where the dragon fell.
  • The remains of her fallen compatriots, her loyal warhorse and the corpse of Azdraka were sealed in the barrow with her, in accordance with Lady Alagondar's dying wishes.
  • It's rumored that "Azdraka's Bane" was buried with her in the dragon barrow.
  • Azdraka was the mother of Venomfang.
  • Venomfang seeks to claim the blade that killed his mother, but until he can deal with the white dragon flying the skies, he has had to hide in the ruined town of Thundertree.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 900 gp.
    = 10 gp for the shortsword
    = +240 gp for the emerald
    = +100 gp for +1 (uncommon ability)
    = +500 gp for dragonslayer (rare ability)
    = +50 gp for detect dragons (common item/minor property)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: dragon
    - history: n/a
    - minor property: n/a
    - quirk: n/a

    "Azdraka's Bane" is originally from the "5e D&D Essentials Kit - Dragon Barrow" quest.

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