Heartseeker of the Sea
(weapon, uncommon)

Last Updated: December 11, 2023
Campaign: The Lost Mine - Ian

This dagger has a spiral shell blade, a coral tang and hilt, an eel skin grip, and a white pearl pommel.

Forged by the elemental forces of water, the "Heartseeker of the Sea" is instead crafted from seashells and worked coral as hard as any metal.

"Heartseeker of the Sea" is a magic dagger that provides a +l bonus to attack and damage rolls.

"Heartseeker of the Sea" allows the bearer to speak and understand "Aquan".

In addition, the wielder of "Heartseeker of the Sea" can use an action to learn which way is west, where the Sea King has imprisoned the merfolk princess in his underwater castle far out in the western sea.


  • The captain of the sailing ship "Star-Crossed Lover" was a sea-faring merchant prince.
  • His true love was a merfolk princess, but alas, their fate was doomed from the start.
  • The princess gave her true love the "Heartseeker of the Sea" so he could speak her tongue and would always know where to find her in the ocean expanse.
  • Her father, the Sea King was not pleased and imprisoned the merfolk princess in his underwater castle far out in the western sea.
  • Unfortunately, before he could rescue his true love, the "Star-Crossed Lover". and its crew was lured to their doom by the false beacon within the Tower of Storms.
  • The dagger can be found in the grip of the skeleton that used to be the captain of the "Star-Crossed Lover".

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 302 gp.
    = 2 gp for the dagger
    = +100 gp for the pearl
    = +100 gp for +1 (uncommon ability)
    = +50 gp for language - aquan (common item/minor property)
    = +50 gp for compass (common item/minor property)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: elemental water
    - history: n/a
    - minor property: compass, language
    - quirk: n/a

    "Heartseeker of the Sea" is originally from the "5e D&D Essentials Kit - Tower of Storms" quest.

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