Skeletal Steed
(wondrous item, rare)

Last Updated: February 27, 2024
Campaign: The Lost Mine - Ian

This is a pile of horse bones with a rotting saddle and scraps of barding.

When a creature approaches within 5 feet of the bones, they knit together and rise as a skeletal horse.

The "Skeletal Steed" has the statistics of a warhorse skeleton (Monster Manual p273), but its alignment is Lawful Neutral and it has maximum hp (36 hp).
It will bond with any character who wants to ride it. Its actions can be controlled using a bonus action.

Should the rider dismount and move more than 5 feet from the "Skeletal Steed", then it will fall apart back into a pile of horse bones with a rotting saddle and scraps of barding.


  • Azdraka, a greendragon that had long terrorized the High Road, had slain one of its protectors, a copper dragon.
  • "Azdraka's Bane" was made from a tooth of the fallen copper dragon.
  • Lady Tanamere Alagondar was a royal scion of Neverwinter more than a century ago.
  • Along with two parties of adventurers, she fought and killed Azdraka using "Azdraka's Bane".
  • Lady Alagondar died in the battle and was laid to rest beneath a barrow near where the dragon fell.
  • The remains of her fallen compatriots, her loyal warhorse and the corpse of Azdraka were sealed in the barrow with her, in accordance with Lady Alagondar's dying wishes.
  • The bones, barding scraps and rotting saddle of Lady Alagondar's warhorse lie in the southern most niche of this cavern in the south of the barrow.
  • Being loyal unto undeath, Lady Alagondar's warhorse became a "Skeletal Steed".

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 500 gp.
    = 500 gp to be undead (rare ability)

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic items unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: undead
    - history: n/a
    - minor property: n/a
    - quirk: n/a

    The "Skeletal Steed" is originally from the "5e D&D Essentials Kit - Dragon Barrow" quest.

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