Roland's World - The Kingdom of Kern

Last updated: February 9, 2025

Roland's World - PCs - Wanderers of the Wylds


  • Female Half-Elf
  • Warblade
  • Gorgonzola
    and Twitch

  • Male Halfling
  • Druid
  • Ash

  • Male Killoren
  • Scout/Cloistered Cleric
  • Dashiva
    the Jongleur

  • Male Lesser Aasimar
  • Sorcerer
  • Rako and

  • Male Kobold Rogue/Fighter and
  • Male Bugbear Barbarian
  • Ellie

  • Female Strongheart Halfling
  • Dragonfire Adept

  • Roland's World - Campaign Notes

  • Chapter One - Loot 1 - December 28, 2024 - CL = 1
  • Chapter Two - Loot 2 - January 25, 2025 - CL = 1

  • Chapter Three - Loot 3 - February ?, 2025 - CL = 2

    Roland's World - Background

    The Kingdom of Kern

    Hamlet of Roccatorre


  • Zesk Trendor a half-orc blacksmith, likes to use a pike in combat
  • has agreed to let Dashiva the Jongleur billet in his house attached to the smithy while he is in Roccatorre
  • but Rako the Kobold and Thak the Bugbear have to sleep in the barn out back, "can't have folks like them staying with us decent folk" said the half-orc with a malicious smile...

  • "Honey the Cat" an extra-planar being and Guardian Defender of the Hamlet of Roccatorre
  • lives in the barn behind the smithy
  • killed a dire rat that had snuck into the barn and that was about to attack Rako and Thak, "Honey the Cat" winked at the pair after it easily dispatched the dire rat

    Kingsmen Quarters

  • Steve Whent an old male human warrior and King's man, official representative of the Kingdom of Kern
  • has agreed to let Ash Thorn billet at the Kingsmen Quarters while he is in Roccatorre

  • Jeff Tobed a young human human warrior and Steve Whent's deputy

  • Oscar the Rat an "awakened" rat wizard
  • awakened by a "cookoo" druid in the wildwood, kept as prisoner and experimented upon for a year
  • has asked Steve Whent to become one of his deputies


  • Saltar Shields male human miller, has a heavy crossbow for combat

    Moonbluff General Store

  • Laura Moonbluff a female halfling and owner of the general store
  • sister of Emma Moonbluff and has a dire wolfhound named Tike
  • has agreed to let Ellie Appletall billet at the general store while she is in Roccatorre

  • Arthur Meadowgrass a male halfling rogue/swashbuckler
  • part of adventuring group that was ambushed, captured and killed by kobolds
  • he survived, since as a native halfling of the Kingdom of Kern, Yondalla granted his people the ability to shapechange into rat form to help them escape out of harm's way during the ancient Empire Wars.
  • Laura insists he stay and recoup with her in her quarters behind the store (he is a male halfling after all)

    Moonbluff Pub

  • Emma Moonbluff a female halfling and owner of the pub
  • sister of Laura Moonbluff and has a dire wolfhound named Spike
  • has agreed to let Gorgonzola and Twitch billet at the pub while he is in Roccatorre in exchange for certain favors (he is a male halfling after all).

  • Katie Ching a mute orphan girl
  • helps around both the Moonbluff General Store and the Moonbluff Pub
  • is a blood relative of the Wizard Tsathzar

  • Mouse is a former rat familiar of the Wizard Tsathzar
  • shimmering forcefield prevents the dog from biting/grabbing rat
  • Mouse claims he will protect Katie like he did her ancestor
  • Katie seems to understand Mouse and translates using her sign language

    Temple of Chauntea

  • Vivian Cantor a female human cleric of Chauntea
  • junior priestess and daughter of Ingrid Cantor
  • has joined the Wanderers of the Wylds as a full member
  • hoped to find out what happenned to Ian and Edgar in the Kobold Caves, but found no trace
  • given the green ogre's great club as a souvenir of her first battle
  • has recieved 36 gp, Divine Scroll: remove paralysis (caster level 3), and a Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1 charge remaining)

  • Ingrid Cantor a female human cleric of Chauntea
  • senior priestess and mother of Vivian Cantor
  • has agreed to let Cherry Blossum billet at the temple while she is in Roccatorre

  • Joe a male human farmer and survivor of the Kobold Caves
  • went with Ian and Edgar to the kobold caves to stop the raids
  • only Joe came back, while his body has been healed, his mind is broken, repeating "the cold, the dark, the gate"

  • The Rat an extra-planar being possessing the rat and Guardian of the Forest
  • cured Rako of dire rat disease at the temple, and said Thak was not infected from the rat bites they got in the Kobold Caves.
  • the 'entity' that is possessing the rat is a force of nature and of high power. It originates from the ethereal plane. These 'spirits' embody the will of the land and all creatures in it. It is a benevolent protective of the region that spawned it and of the creatures therein. These entities are referred to as Spirits of the Woods.

    Unholy Trinity

  • The Unholy Trinity are the Elder Evils known as Azathoth, Nyarlatholep and Cthulhu.
  • Unholy symbol is a small gold pendant, non-magical (5 gp), crudely shaped into the form of a 3-fingered hand.
  • There is some sort of "gate" affecting beings and creatures in the surrounding area, making them tougher and meaner. Physical transformations seems to include red splotches, sharper teeth and claws, googly eyes, but also seems to take their souls "the cold, the dark, the gate, its my soul, don't take my soul"
  • The Wanderers of the Wyld found a pristine leather bound book whose pages were edged in golden foil, full of unreadable script and felt cold to the touch - read magic revealed it to contain ceremonies to invoke the unholy trinity - special black candles are used as part of this Unholy Trinity cerenomy
  • Cherry's dream implies the Wanderer's of the Wyld must destroy the abominations in the pods before they can be unleashed and allow the Unholy Trinity to enter this world and consume it.

    Kobold Caves

  • Kobold Magic User - dead
  • Short even by kobold standards, he was wearing a tattered bright yellow robe stained with dirt, blood, fleshy food bits and lots of dried and more fresh blood.
  • He was all red-scaled, instead of just blotches of red scales.
  • One eye had grown to be twice normal kobold size and was white with cataracts.
  • A small single horn was beginning to grow out of his forehead.

    The Wizard Tsathzar

  • mountain with plateau had an old ruined wizard tower on top from time of the last empire war (not sure which side)
  • Wizard Tsathzar made the plateau to put his tower on it
  • tower disappeared at the end of the war
  • allegedly had a rat familiar "Mouse" who now protects his descendent Katie Ching
  • The kobolds in the Kobold Caves wanted to worship the dead gods, but had to wait for Tsath

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