Shamrock will often use her animate powers to create instant thugs out of wood known as a Shillelagh. Each turn, she can create 2 Shillelaghs within 150 hexes of herself. The created Shillelagh pair must then stay within a 3 hex radius of each other, but are otherwise free to move anywhere within 150 hexes of Shamrock. In theory, she could have up to a 120 Shillelaghs at her command, but would need to concentrate continously to maintain them all. See the Shillelagh description below for more details.
Shamrock is capable of controlling all plants in a 3 hex radius area anywhere within 30 hexes of herself.
She can command the plants to allow her to pass freely through them or to entangle and slow any pursuers (move is cut in half).
Battle Tactics:
Typical Dialogue:
A Shillelagh is a wooden construct created by Shamrock using her animate powers. Shamrock is essentially summoning nature spirits to possess and animate each one of these "wooden people". These nature spirits are usually pre-disposed to her cause (reaction of +4, also bonus reaction based on success of her animate skill roll) and will follow her instructions.
Each Shillelagh can exist independently for up to a minute, so long as it stays within 150 hexes of Shamrock. If this time or range are exceeded, the Shillelagh ceases to be animate. Shamrock would need to activate her powers again to re-animate the Shillelagh. Also, if Shamrock is knocked unconsious, each Shillelagh will no longer be animate and revert back to its original form.
Once a Shillelagh reaches 0 hp, the nature spirit is expelled from the body and the Shillelagh changes back to its original form and can no longer be animated.