(wondrous item, rarity varies)

Last Updated: April 14, 2024
Campaign: The Lost Mine

This polished stone is incribed with a draconic rune.

A "Knowstone" will have the draconic rune for one specific spell inscribed upon it.

Posession of a "Knowstone" allows a spellcaster to add that specific cantrip or spell (level 1-3) to their list of spells known or prepared as a bonus spell.

To use a "Knowstone", the spell has to be on your class list.

If a spellcaster has more than one spell casting class that can use that particular spell, they must choose to which class it applies.

This does not increase the number of spell slots available for casting spells.


  • The "Knowstone" is favoured by all spellcasters as a means to increase their versatility with magic.
  • The draconic rune inscribed on the "Knowstone" will indicate the spell contained within.

    Design Notes:

    Its base value is:
    = 100 gp - cantrip spell (uncommon item).
    = 500 gp - 1st level spell (rare item).
    = 5,000 gp - 2nd level spell (very rare item).
    = 50,000 gp - 3rd level spell (legendary item).

    Inspired by the tables in the DMG on page 142-143 to make this magic item unique. Basically, they provide ideas for the creator, history, minor property and quirk.
    - creator: n/a
    - history: n/a
    - minor property: n/a
    - quirk: n/a

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