Oil of Stone to Flesh
(potion, rare)

Last Updated: June 21, 2023
Campaign: Tablets of the Old Ones

This vial contains a murky pink grey oily liquid.

"Oil of Stone to Flesh" can return a petrified creature to flesh and life.
Unfortunately for such a victim, any parts lost in stone form remain absent if the creature revives.
Revivification using the oil is impossible if a vital part of the petrified creature, such as its head, is detached.

There are two known crafting formulas known to make ""Oil of Stone to Flesh":

  • fluid from a basilisk's gullet and a DC 20 arcana skill check - this roll is at advantage if also proficient in the use of alchemist's supplies, or
  • fluid from a basilisk's gullet and a DC 20 nature skill check - this roll is at advantage if also proficient in the use of a herbalism kit.


  • The old shaman and chief of the green claw lizardfolk tribe in the underdark has perfected the technique of creating "Oil of Stone to Flesh" using the fluids from a basilisk's gullet.
  • Nera Aquilae and her companions had rescued Iksara, the green claw princess and daughter of the old shaman and chief from Jabba and his red flame tribe of destuctive lizardfolk.
  • Nera Aquilae was able to harvest two doses from the gullets of the basilisks after she and her companions cleared out the basilisk lair threatening the green claw tribe.
  • The grateful old shaman and chief of the green claw lizard folk offered to teach Nera Aquilae the secret of how to create "Oil of Stone to Flesh".
  • It would require using the fluids from a basilisk's gullet, her herbalism kit and nature skills, but would take a month to learn.
  • Nera's companions were eager to return to the surface and were not willing to wait a month so Nera missed out on an opportunity to learn some ancient tribal secrets.
  • Nera sold her two doses from the gullets of the basilisks to Mother Angela, a reclusive old woman living in a hut in the underdark with Gregor, her flesh golem servant.

    Design Notes:

    Its cost is 250 gp.
    - 500 gp for being a rare item but divided by 2 for being a consumable item.

    Uses details from the basilisk description in the Monster Manual.

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