Tablet of Bheleu
(wondrous item, artifact, requires attunement)

Last Updated: June 22, 2023
Campaign: Tablets of the Old Ones

This wooden tablet is inscribed with seven rows of ancient runes in an unkown language.

The ancient runes on "Tablet of Bheleu", once translated, can be read as follows:

Almighty Bheleu,
Hear my prayer of petition to you
Grant me the strength to annihilate my enemies
Grant me the power to lay waste to their bastion
I honor thee
For you, in my wake,
I leave a path of destruction

The "Tablet of Bheleu" is known to sometimes magically transport itself short distances so as to find itself in the possession of those it deems worthy.
Those that are deemed worthy may find themselves drawn to the tablets location.
Attuning to the artifact takes an hour and during this time, those deemed worthy enter a trance as they commune with "Bheleu" directly and agree to be their avatar.
Once attuned, the bearer of the tablet is able to sense the direction to other "Tablets of the Old Ones".

The "Tablet of Bheleu" acts as a divine focus to cast spells with for Clerics of Bheleu.

Once attuned, the bearer of the "Tablet of Bheleu" gains the following abilities:

  • the character gains one class level as a Cleric of Bheleu (tempest domain) for free.
  • as a Cleric of Bheleu, gain the ability to use the "Rage of Bheleu" at first level. Once per long rest, as an action, you stomp the ground. All creatures within a 20' radius must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 6d6 points of force damage, or half on asuccessful save.


  • Captured and used as slave labour by gnolls in the under dark, Bruenor - Artisan of the Spellforge, Faeril Lastborn, Korit Solunn, Moogoo the Magnificient, Nera Aquilae, and Vlad, managed to eascape the gnolls, but now the companions must work together to escape the underdark and return to the surface.
  • The companions received the "Tablet of Bheleu" from the shaman of the Green Claw Lizardfolk Tribe as a reward for rescueing his daughter and princess from the Destruction Flame Lizardfolk Tribe.
  • Bruenor - Artisan of the Spellforge, a male dwarven diviner, was able to decipher the ancient runes and translate the text found on the "Tablet of Bheleu".
  • The "Tablet of Bheleu" formed a bond with Vlad, a male human duelist fighter/rogue.
  • Mother Angela, a reclusive old woman living in a hut in the underdark with Gregor, her flesh golem servant, examined the "Tablet of Bheleu" with her arcane abilities but did not appear to have any success.
  • Mother Angela said she needed to do more research and will contact the group if she learns anything.

    "Vlad noticed that the tablet was deceptively heavier than it appeared and slightly warm to the touch as he carefully slipped it into his backpack. Vlad had laid down beside the small campfire after completing the first watch. The dampness of the Underdark was kept at bay by the warmth of the fire. Sleep quickly enveloped him. Suddenly, Vlad found himself standing on a ridge with the distant sounds of battle and war drums filling his ears. He involuntarily tightened his grip on his sword and shield and scanned the horizon for approaching foes. In the distance Vlad noticed swirling shadows moving up the ridge. A huge half-orc warrior, a remnant of a race destroyed during the Age of Dragons strode toward Vlad enveloped in what appeared to be tentacles of living shadows. Vlad raised his weapon and readied his shield. The voice of the half-Orc boomed over the din of battle and drums, "Vlad, spread my word and we will fight as one on the field of battle!" Vlad dropped to one knee and replied firmly, "I will." There was a deafening thunderclap and a bolt of lightning struck Vlad square on the chest with no visible ill effects. A mystical energy now coursed through his heart and soul. Vlad awoke with a slight ringing in his ears and the quizzical stares of his companions."

    Design Notes:

    As an artifact, this item is unique.

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