Delzimmer - Chapter 46 - Loot

Adventure Date: May 1, 2021

Last Updated: May 1, 2021

Loot dispersed Chapter 32 - 38
ch 32 =        0 gp
ch 33 = 64,947.8 gp
ch 34 =        0 gp
ch 35 = 13,350.0 gp
ch 36 = 15,600.0 gp
ch 37 =        0 gp
ch 38 =        0 gp

Total = 93,897.8 gp
Leeloo  -1,000.0 gp

Total = 92,897.8 gp / 6 = 15,649 gp for everyone, except Leeloo who gets 16,649 gp


Leeloo owed 1000 gp from kitty for information she bought from a human merchant leaving the Great Rift.


Each player now has a Delzimmer Pass, granting access to the city (value = 500 gp each) 

Due to war/tensions, non-hin no longer welcome, and no more discounts
- Our Heroes had built up goodwill in Shoun by stopping the drought.
  As a result, when in Shoun, they used to recieve a 15% discount on any goods purchased there.
- Also used to recieve 10% discount in all of Luiren as thanks for liberating lighthouse tower 
  from Hag and her allies.
- And for sending the Angel home, our heroes were given a 15% discount to items in Beluir.

Each hero recieved a steel and gold pin set with small gems in the shape of a cornucopia.
- enchanted with an "arcane mark" that proclaims the hero to be "Yondalla's Shield".
- very rare to get, grants a +4 cirumstance bonus to diplomacy checks with halflings, 
  while worn and plainly visible.

Delzimmer Council - 12,000 gp each for information on source of the dwarven made weapons

GROUP KITTY	= 0 coins/gems  = 0 lbs = 0 gp = 0 gp/lb 

pp =  0	               =     0 gp     =   500 gp/lb
gp =  0                =     5 gp     =    50 gp/lb
sp =  0                =     0 gp     =     5 gp/lb
cp =  0                =     0 gp     =     0.5 gp/lb


- humanoid spider-creature's necklace with symbol/emblem of Malar (200 gp)
- golden vial with ruby stopper (500 gp) and filled with unidentified liquid
- 4 silver holy symbols of Malor (25 gp each)

scroll case
- note: written in unknown "thieves' cant", a request (i.e. orders), 
        create a false beacon treasures to come; 
        symbol = dagger with lily around hilt "Quiet Shadows"
- map (Isle of Quelthir; SW = tower, NE = "allies")
- map of island (tower in SW, X in NE)
- note: Bring us the Angel (from tower brigands & League of Chaos)
- note: Share in the profits (from tower brigands & League of Chaos)
- note: Join us. There is strength in numbers (from Wizard & League of Chaos)
- note: in thieves cant "Join us or Die!" (bugbears and druids and spider humanoids)
- note: "Golornak,
		The Emerald Queen wishes no interuptions to her plans.
		Maintain the status quo. 
- note, torn: "Being overrun, please send help" Inn in dwarven outpost
- Malar scrolls: written in Sylvan (Hag's Room) - turned over to Delzimmer Council
		"teaching, preachings in found away to increase children of Malar,
		 but can only get ingredients here"


Chapter 39  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
dwarf stone mouth1	Tourmaline semi precious gem - Lady A
dwarf stone mouth2	amathyst gem (100 gp) - Irrstra
dwarf stone mouth3	amber (5,000 gp ????)- Irrstra
dwarf stone mouth4	aquamarine (
dwarf stone mouth5	none
dwarf stone mouth6	none
dwarf stone mouth7	garnet

20 stirges		none

1 spore bat		none

Chapter 40  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
2nd tunnel from west	Irrstra - purple flakes on eyes - part of curse of area

4th tunnel from west	piles of bones
= shadow cloakers	2 sacks 100 sp 165 pp 280 gp

5th tunnel from west	stone sculpture - images of fungi, blind fish and insects - alarm spell activated

6th tunnel from west 	fungi farm - 

Chapter 41  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
6th tunnel from west 	fungi farm - 2 beetles and 2 trolls - still need to search - just rotting carcasses

Chapter 42  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
green slime x3
w. red eyes

drow corpse		13 gems - diamond
(day old)		bag - magic? teleports stuff into bags or is isstra a klepto?

invisible 		none

Chapter 43  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
4 ambush

Chapter 44  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
2 skeletons		old - remnants of drow silk cloth on one skeleton, nothing

large ettin		killed by ambush drakes, nothing
skeleton #1

large ettin		killed by ambush drakes, nice pristine cloak - Irrstra requires fort save 
skeleton #2		- cursed cloak of poisonous

big lake		dwarven boat

elder xorn x2		left them alone

cockatrice x3		found a single cockatrice egg - for dinner

Chapter 45  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
water elemental x1

rath no longer looking for butterflies, but supposedly something worse now

irrstra has green flames for eyes, and mucas on her cheeks

pile of weapons, staves, wands, no dust look brand new
- 5 longswords mw, non-dwarven made
- 2 staves - 1 non magical
- 2 wands - 1 non magical

nishruu - outsider feeds on magic

Chapter 46  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----


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