Delzimmer - Chapter 31 - Loot

Adventure Date: November 2, 2019

Last Updated: November 10, 2019


Leeloo owed 1000 gp from kitty for information she bought from a human merchant leaving the Great Rift.


Each player now has a Delzimmer Pass, granting access to the city (value = 500 gp each) 

Due to war/tensions, non-hin no longer welcome, and no more discounts
- Our Heroes had built up goodwill in Shoun by stopping the drought.
  As a result, when in Shoun, they used to recieve a 15% discount on any goods purchased there.
- Also used to recieve 10% discount in all of Luiren as thanks for liberating lighthouse tower 
  from Hag and her allies.
- And for sending the Angel home, our heroes were given a 15% discount to items in Beluir.

Each hero recieved a steel and gold pin set with small gems in the shape of a cornucopia.
- enchanted with an "arcane mark" that proclaims the hero to be "Yondalla's Shield".
- very rare to get, grants a +4 cirumstance bonus to diplomacy checks with halflings, 
  while worn and plainly visible.

Delzimmer Council - 12,000 gp each for information on source of the dwarven made weapons

Total LOOT resale value = TBD gp + 0 gp = 0 gp ( ~ 0 gp each)
NOTE: does not include already claimed items

Total LOOT Encumbrance = 0 lbs + 0 lbs 
                       = 0 lbs carried (max allowed = 0 lbs)

Total LOOT left behind = 0 gp and 0 lbs

GROUP KITTY	= 0 coins/gems  = 0 lbs = 0 gp = 0 gp/lb 

pp =  0	               =     0 gp     =   500 gp/lb
gp =  0                =     5 gp     =    50 gp/lb
sp =  0                =     0 gp     =     5 gp/lb
cp =  0                =     0 gp     =     0.5 gp/lb


- humanoid spider-creature's necklace with symbol/emblem of Malar (200 gp)
- golden vial with ruby stopper (500 gp) and filled with unidentified liquid
- Chimera White Dragon Head - can use to make white dragonfang arrows/bolts (cost 8 gp each, value 12 gp each)
- 4 silver holy symbols of Malor (25 gp each)

scroll case
- note: written in unknown "thieves' cant", a request (i.e. orders), 
        create a false beacon treasures to come; 
        symbol = dagger with lily around hilt "Quiet Shadows"
- map (Isle of Quelthir; SW = tower, NE = "allies")
- map of island (tower in SW, X in NE)
- note: Bring us the Angel (from tower brigands & League of Chaos)
- note: Share in the profits (from tower brigands & League of Chaos)
- note: Join us. There is strength in numbers (from Wizard & League of Chaos)
- note: in thieves cant "Join us or Die!" (bugbears and druids and spider humanoids)
- note: "Golornak,
		The Emerald Queen wishes no interuptions to her plans.
		Maintain the status quo. 
- note, torn: "Being overrun, please send help" Inn in dwarven outpost
- Malar scrolls: written in Sylvan (Hag's Room) - turned over to Delzimmer Council
		"teaching, preachings in found away to increase children of Malar,
		 but can only get ingredients here"


Chapter 30  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
6 dwarven 		warhammer, masterwork					(312 gp each) x6	to be sold
werewolverines		war axe, masterwork					(330 gp each) x6	to be sold
			mighty comosite longbow, masterwork: STR=14/dam=+2	(600 gp each) x6	to be sold
			Potions of Blur						(300 gp each) x3	Clint, Rath, Roryn

2 goblins		small chainshirt, mw 					(250 gp each) x2	to be sold
			small shortsword, mw	 				(310 gp each) x2	to be sold
			shortbows and arrows, crappy				x2			left behind
			small vial with liquid - dumped 			x2			left behind
			Potion of Invisibility					(300 gp each) x2	Irrstra, Lady A

dwarven outpost Inn 	- note, torn: "Being overrun, please send help" 

elevator room
9 dwaren 		Potions of Blur						(300 gp each) x2	Irrstra, Lady A
1 werebat
1 hag + nightmare

hag room		Malar scrolls - written in Sylvan
			"teaching, preachings in found away to increase children of Malar,
			 but can only get ingredients here"

			3 sacks filled with dwarven hands meant to be sacrifice to Malar
			- purified and burnt instead

lava pit island		dwarven tools for smelting/forging						Returned to 
and 			- magic aura, very strong conjuration						fire dwarf
fire dwarf


Chapter 31  (Note: mw = masterwork, Dw = Dwarven made)
----------                                        	value   value    value    wt     wt
                                                 	 each    total    resale   each   total
Source        	#   	Item                            (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------       	---  	----                            -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  -----
Beast Lord 		mighty comosite longbow, masterwork: STR=18/dam=+4	(800 gp each) x1	to be sold
battle with
8 were-wolverines

Chapter 30 and 31 Loot sold and distributed = 781 gp each

Delzimmer council	scroll: teleport (1,125 gp)							Lady A


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