Estrella Fugaz or "Shooting Star" is a young heroine native to Ecuador.
IST Ottawa is her first assignment since joining the UN international super teams.
Campaign Role:
Maria has recently enrolled at the University of Ottawa to pursue a degree in criminology.
Her aspirations are to eventually study law as well.
Player characters also attending the university might be registered in some of the same courses.
Her costume is designed to remind people of the Ecuadorian flag.
Her costume advantage protects her polykev-envirosuit from being damaged when she activates her body of fire, as is anything else that is carried (up to no encumbrance).
Her normal flight speed has a move of 14 hexes/turn. However when she activates her superflight, her move becomes an amazing 448 hexes/turn or 1000 mph. A literal shooting star in the sky.
When she activates her body of fire, she becomes sheathed in a protective layer of flame that burns at a 1000 degrees. When activated, she gains the following effects:
Estrella Fugaz has the ability to propel "shooting stars" from her hands.
These shooting stars appear as glowing fireballs of about 6" in diameter.
They produce one of the following three effects.
1) illuminates a 7 hex radius when tossed into an area.
2) explodes into a blinding flash when thrown into an area.
3) produces a shockwave that will damage anything within 4 hexes and a blinding flash at the same time when thrown into an area.
Battle Tactics:
Typical Dialogue: