Doctor Newton (800 pts)

Last updated: October 26, 2003

Assignment: Ottawa
Nationality: South Africa
Appearance: Male human, 6'0", 170 lbs, black skin, black eyes, no hair on body.

Abilities: (110 pts)
ST: 11 (10 pts)
DX: 11 (10 pts)
IQ: 15 (60 pts)
HT: 13 (30 pts)

Advantages: (130 pts)
Charisma +3 (15 pts)
Hard to Kill +3 (15 pts)
IST Membership (65 pts)
  • Patron: U.N.
  • Duty: (15 or less) U.N.
  • Legal Enforcement Powers
  • Reaction: +3 citizens member nations, -1 non-member nations, -3 criminals
    IST Rank 7 (35 pts)
  • Status: 2

    Disadvantages: (-30 pts)
    Guilt Complex (-5 pts)
    Hero's Code of Honour (-15 pts)
    Truthfulness (-5 pts)
    Unnatural Feature [no hair on body: -1 reaction] (-5 pts)

    Super Advantages: (40 pts)
    Flight (40 pts)

    Super Disadvantages: (0 pts)

    Super-Powers: (580 pts)
    Anti-G (ranged/mental) LC = 3.0 x 3.0 = 9.0
  • Power = 20 (180 pts)
  • Skill = 18 [IQ+3] (20 pts)
  • area effect (+50%)
  • doesn't harm user (+20%)
  • increased area +1 (+20%)
  • instantaneous (+20%)
  • movable area (+40%)
  • selective effect (+50%)

    Increase Gravity (ranged/mental) LC = 6.0 x 3.0 = 18.0
  • Power = 20 (360 pts)
  • Skill = 18 [IQ+3] (20 pts)
  • area effect (+50%)
  • doesn't harm user (+20%)
  • increased area +1 (+20%)
  • instantaneous (+20%)
  • movable area (+40%)
  • selective effect (+50%)

    IST Com Unit
    Polykev-Envirosuit (PD=2, DR=16, temp. tolerance= -25 to 150, wt=2.5 lbs)
    Psi Shield (mindshield, Power 12, Skill 3)

    Skills: (43 pts - 28 free)
    Area Knowledge (Ottawa) - 15 (1 pt) m/e
    Area Knowledge (Canada) - 15 (1 pt) m/e
    Computer Operations/TL8 - 15 (1 pt) m/e
    History (International,U.N.) - 14 (2 pts) m/h
    Karate - 11 (4 pts) p/h
    Strategy - 14 (2 pts) m/h
    Tactics - 14 (2 pts) m/h

    Languages: (2 pts)
    French - 15 (native) m/a
    English - 15 (2 pts) m/a

    Quirks: (-5 pts)

  • Story:

    Doctor Newton was one of the lucky ones who escaped from South Africa's represive regime as a child. Born in South Africa. He was raised by an uncle in Ghana. He became educated as a physics professor. It was during an accident with graviton particles that he gained his super abilities. The accident for some unknown reason also caused him to lose all his hair.

    Still feels guilty about the death's in Angola since he didn't lead his teammates in the invasion of South Africa.

    Campaign Role:

    Doctor Newton is the field commander for IST Ottawa.



    Both the anti-G pwer and the increase gravity power have the following stats.

  • ss=12 acc=1 1/2D=100 hexes Max= 200 hexes
  • area = 5 hex radius or 61 hexes
  • duration = 20 seconds

    Doctor Newton anti-G super power can cause the effects of gravity to decrease in a subject or group of subjects. The range is from 1G to -1G. He can affect a maximum of 5000 lbs. He will sometimes use his anti-G power to appear super strong. Balancing a car on a finger is great for intimidation attempts.

    Using the increase gravity super power, Doctor Newton can increase the pull of gravity on an object or group of object anywhere from 1G to 3G. At full power, a subject would be at DX-10, IQ-5 and HT-5. The subject's weight would equal his current weight X G. Anything over 15 X ST counts as encumbrance. By creating a gravity field around himself, any missile attacks are at -10 to hit and -10 for damage. Anyone who enters the high gravity field, must roll vs their modified DX or fall. The fall causes damage = 2 yards X G. It will take the subject 2 + enc. turns to rise again.

    Battle Tactics:

    Typical Dialogue: