COVID 5.0 - The Lost Mine - Chapter 14 - Quests

Adventure Date: January 14, 2023

Last Updated: January 28, 2023


From a tome containing the adventure journal of Urmon the Dwarf, 
detailing the Lost Mines of Phandelver and the Spell Forge.
Found in the study/lab of Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek, a human wizard

	"More than five hundred years ago, clans of dwarves and gnomes made an agreement known as the
	Phandelver's Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. 
	In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great magical power. 
	Human spellcasters allied themselves with the dwarves and gnomes to channel 
	and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), 
	where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town 
	of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well. 

	But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path.
	A powerful force of orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave 
	to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies 
	to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. 
	Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.

	Urmon records that a magic mace named Lightbringer was commissioned by priests of Lathander, 
	the god of dawn, from the mages working with the gnomes and dwarves of the Phandelver's Pact. 
	The mace was lost when Wave Echo Cave and its mine vanished from history."

- The Black Spider is searching Wave Echo Cave for the Forge of Spells. 
  Dwarves and gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact used the magical forge to fashion powerful magic items.

- in gratitude for defeating the green dragon Venomfang, Druid Reidoth drew a map to Wave Echo Cave
- killed a doppelganger at Kragmaw Castle disguised as the Black Spider, a female drow, who was also 
  carrying Gundren Rockseeker's map showing the location and inside entrance of Wave Echo Cave.

- found a dwarf body just inside the entrance to wave echo cave, one of Gundren Rockseeker's two brothers.
- fought a large ooze in the mining tunnels.
- found an ancient dwarf skeleton submerged in a pool within a cave, 
  skeleton has been there for too much time to be Gundren Rockseeker's other brother.
- found and fought 8 bugbears in a room being used as barracks
- found a forging room filled with zombies and a green flaming skull 
	- destroyed, stopped skull regenerating by casting dispel magic and pouring holy water on it
- found "Dragonguard" and "Lightbringer" in a room protected by giant floating eye with four eye stalks
- killed a doppelganger at Wave Echo Cave and some bugbears in and across a crevace
- killed Nezznar the Black Spider, a female drow spellcaster along with her spider pets and bugbear minions
- rescued Gundren Rockseeker brother Nundro in locked room 
- need to map and clear out remaing undead/creatures from Wave Echo Cave
- couple of ghouls down the stairs to the south - still to defeat


Hired by Gundren Rockseeker, a dwarf, to deliver a cart of mining supplies driven by 2 oxen
from Neverwinter to Phandalin in the sword mountain, for 10 gp and 2 days travel

Rescued Sildar Hallwinter, Gundren Rockseeker's warrior guard, from being eaten in the goblin caves
Rewarded 50 gp

Found crates and sacks filled with supplies, with a blue lion symbol wax seal,
which is the symbol of lion shield trading coster in Phandalin.
Rewarded for return of Lionshield's gear = 60 gp

- Defeated Redbrand Ruffians shaking down the local merchants for protection money
- hung out at sleeping giant inn - run down waterhole - Grista - Dwarf Bar owner
- red brand had tried to steal the temples alms
- leader was Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek, a human wizard 
- black spider hired them, sent bugbears as extra muscle
- letter from black spider
	Lord Albrek,
		My spies in Neverwinter tell me that strangers are due to arrive in Phandalin. 
		They could be working for the dwarves. 
		Capture them if you can, kill them if you must, but don’t allow them to upset our plans. 
		See that any dwarven maps in their possession are delivered to me with haste.
		I’m counting on you, Iarno. Don’t disappoint me.
- rescued 3 prisoner Mirna Dendrar - Mom and thirteen-year-old Nars and eighteen-year-old Nilsa
	- return to her from Thundertree, an old family heirloom, an emerald necklace
	- can give supplies on return to town
	- Note that Thundertree is overun with undead

        - reward for orc problem = 100 gp total (collected) 
 	  from the current townmaster of Phandalin, Harbin Wester, who is a male human banker.
        - killed orcs at Wyvern Tor that were led by a Bugbear, and had an ogre as muscle
	- found on Bugbear Leader a wanted poster (Deik for 25 gp) - blackspider symbol on back
	- met 2 well armed hobgoblin patrols to and from Wyvern Tor
	- found on 2nd hobgoblin patrol a wanted poster (Coryn for 25 gp) - blackspider symbol on back

- Reward - invite from Daran Edermath to Pearl to join the "Order of Gauntlet"
  Daran Edermath, a fit, silver-haired half-elf well over a hundred years old, is a retired adventurer 
  who lives in a tidy little cottage beside an apple orchard in Phandalin. 
- Old Owl Well = netheril old watchtower - to the north east
- prospectors chased away by undead at Old Owl Well

Kost the Red Wizard - was searching the old owl well with his 15 zombie guards (captured Kost)
- wanted to ask Agatha the name of the wizard who built the Old Owl Well tower
- The Black Spider is searching Wave Echo Cave for the Forge of Spells. 
  Dwarves and gnomes of the Phandelver's Pact used the magical forge to fashion powerful magic items.

    - agatha banshee
            - reward - 3 potion of healing (collected)
            - question location of Bowgentle's spellbook, 
            - trade silver comb and flattery
            - banshee located in neverwood forest

Agatha tells them that she traded the book to a necromancer named Tsernoth from the city of Iriaebor 
more than a hundred years ago. She does not know what became of the book afterward.

Kost the Red Wizard
- wanted to know the name of the wizard who built the tower

- rescued 3 prisoners from Redbrand Ruffians
	- Mirna Dendrar - Mom and her 2 children, thirteen-year-old Nars and eighteen-year-old Nilsa
	- return to her from Thundertree, an old family heirloom, an emerald necklace
	- can give supplies on return to town
- Note that Thundertree is overun with undead
- A druid went to Thunder Tree, and can give directions to Kragmaw Castle
- met with druid Reidoth, warned of dangers from twig blights, dust zombies and green dragon
- managed to defeat green dragon in the old wizard tower during a battle at night
- brought the dragon corpse to Reidoth, who would later craft himself a suit of green dragon scale armor
- in gratitude for defeating the green dragon Venomfang, Reidoth drew maps to both Kragmaw Castle
  and Wave Echo Cave
- the next day, cleared out the twig blight, dust zombie and large spider infestations.
- also discovered and destroyed a cell of the cult of the dragon that had saught to woo 
  the green dragon Venomfang to their cause. 
- found Mirna Dendrar's gold necklace with an emerald pendant, an old family heirloom, in the general store

- Klarg - bugbear boss of cragmaw tribe goblin
    - paid by the black spider to deliver dwarf and map to King Grol at Kragmaw castle
    - 20 miles southern edge on Neverwinter wood     
- Bugbear from Redbrand hideout had a rough map to castle hidden in his eye patch, also had a large iron key 
- A druid went to Thunder Tree, and can give directions to Kragmaw Castle
- in gratitude for defeating the green dragon Venomfang, Druid Reidoth drew a map to Kragmaw Castle
- killed King Grol and his goblinoid minions (goblins and hobgoblins), along with a doppelganger disguised
  as the Black Spider, a female drow, who was also carrying Gundren Rockseeker's map 
  showing the location and inside entrance of Wave Echo Cave.
- rescued and healed Gundren Rockseeker, the dwarf explorer/merchant, who had originally hired them 
  to protect his wagon supplies.

Klarg - bugbear boss of cragmaw tribe goblins
        - paid by the black spider to deliver dwarf and map to King Grol at Kragmaw castle
        - 20 miles southern edge on Neverwinter wood     
- black spider hired Iarno "Glasstaff" Albrek, a human wizard, and the Redbrand Ruffians
	- letter from black spider
	Lord Albrek,
		My spies in Neverwinter tell me that strangers are due to arrive in Phandalin. 
		They could be working for the dwarves. 
		Capture them if you can, kill them if you must, but don’t allow them to upset our plans. 
		See that any dwarven maps in their possession are delivered to me with haste.
		I’m counting on you, Iarno. Don’t disappoint me.
- found on Bugbear Leader at Wyvern Tor a wanted poster (Deik for 25 gp) - blackspider symbol on back
- found on 2nd hobgoblin patrol a wanted poster (Coryn for 25 gp) - blackspider symbol on back
- killed a doppelganger at Kragmaw Castle disguised as the Black Spider, a female drow, who was also 
  carrying Gundren Rockseeker's map showing the location and inside of Wave Echo Cave. 
- killed a doppelganger disguised as the Black Spider, a female drow, at Wave Echo Cave and some bugbears 
  in and across a crevace
- killed Nezznar the Black Spider, a female drow spellcaster along with her spider pets and bugbear minions
- rescued Gundren Rockseeker brother Nundro from a locked room 


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