Leliatha "Leeloo" - Level 1 - Chapter 2

Adventure Date: January 21, 2012
Last Updated: December 1, 2011

class:		Cleric                          race:		human
level:		1                               alignment:	chaotic good
xp:		0				deity:		DM Eyes Only

size: medium	age:	29	gender:	female	height:	5'4"	
eyes: green	hair:	red	skin:	milky	weight:	120 lbs

Campaign: 	Delzimmer
Home Region: 	Sildeyuir
Languages:	DM Eyes Only, Chondathan, Elven, Celestial, Infernal, Shaaran

STR:	 8	-1	HP: 	6			Speed:	20 ft (run x3)
DEX:	12	+1	AC:	16				
CON:	10	+0	= 10   + 4+1   + 0      + 1   + 0    + 0   + 0       + 0
INT:	10	+0	  base + armor + shield + dex + size + nat + deflect + misc
WIS:	18	+4	AC touch:	11
CHA:	18	+4	AC flat-footed: 15		Initiative:	+1
							Base Attack:	+0

		Total	= base	+Mod	+magic	+misc
Fortitude:	+2	= 2	+0
Reflex:		+1	= 0	+1	
Will:		+6	= 2	+4


Attack		Bonus	Damage	Critical	Range	Type	Notes
------------	------	------	--------	-----	----	-----

Protective		AC 	Max 	Check 	Spell	
Item		Type	bonus	Dex	penalty	Failure	Speed	WT	Notes
-------------	----	-----	----	-------	-------	-----	---	------
chain shirt     armor,  +4      +4      -1      20%     30 ft   25 lbs  masterwork

dastana         +armor  +1      n/a     -1       5%     n/a      5 lbs

heavy load	na      na      +1      -6      n/a     20 ft   n/a     (run x3)

SKILLS: Total = 44	max = 4/2	Ability	Mod	Ranks	Misc
+0	appraise                        INT	+0	
-5	balance			        DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc
+6	bluff				CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
-7	climb				STR	-1		-6 AC.enc		
+6	concentration			CON	+0	4	+1 DM Eyes Only/+1 focused
+0	craft			        INT	+0		
+6	craft, painting                 INT	+0	4	+2 artisan's tools, mw	
+4	decipher script                 INT	+0	4	
+11	diplomacy			CHA	+4	4	+2 nymph's kiss/+1 Polite       
no	disable device		        INT	+0		
+6	disguise			CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
-5	escape artist			DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc	
+0	forgery                         INT	+0		
+6	gather information		CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
no	handle animal			CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
+11	heal				WIS	+4	4	+1 DM Eyes Only/+2 heal kit
-5	hide				DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc	
+4	intimidate			CHA	+4		-2 polite/+2 nymph's kiss
-7	jump				STR	-1		-6 AC.enc			
+4	knowledge, arcana		INT	+0	4	
no	knowledge, architect/engineer	INT	+0		
no	knowledge, dungeoneering        INT	+0		
no	knowledge, geography		INT	+0		
+4	knowledge, history		INT	+0	4	
no	knowledge, local                INT	+0		
no	knowledge, nature		INT	+0		
no	knowledge, nobility/royalty	INT	+0		
+4	knowledge, religion		INT	+0	4	
+4	knowledge, the planes		INT	+0	4	
+3	listen                          WIS	+4		-1 focused
-5	move silently			DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc	
no	open lock			DEX	+1		
+6	perform                         CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
+8	perform (lute)                  CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss/+2 lute, mw
+9	profession, scribe		WIS	+4	4	+1 DM Eyes Only
+1	ride				DEX	+1		
+0	search                          INT	+0		
+5	sense motive			WIS	+4	        +1 DM Eyes Only
no	sleight of hand                 DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc			
+4	spellcraft			INT	+0	4	
+3	spot				WIS	+4		-1 focused
+5	survival                        WIS	+4		+1 DM Eyes Only
-13	swim				STR	-1		-12 AC.enc x2			
no	tumble                          DEX	+1		-6 AC.enc		
no	use magic device		CHA	+4		+2 nymph's kiss
+1	use rope                        DEX	+1		
n/a	speak language                  n/a				

Armor: 		light
Shields:        none
Weapons:        all simple

- Medium-size 
- base land speed = 30 feet. 
- +1 extra feat at 1st level.
- +4 extra skill points at 1st level and 1 extra skill point at each 
  additional level.
- Favored Class: Any

Cloistered Cleric (Unearthed Arcana)
- HD = d6
- uses the poor base attack bonus
- skill points per level equal to 6 + Int modifier
- Divine Spellcasting
	- can spontaneously cast "cure" spells
	- add the following spells to the Cloistered Clerics class spell list
	(0) message; (1) erase, identify, unseen servant; (2) fox’s cunning; 
	(3) illusory script, secret page, tongues (reduced from 4th level); 
	(4) detect scrying; (6) analyze dweomer; (7) sequester; (9) vision
- Knowledge Domain (bonus domain for Cloistered Cleric)
	- all knowledge skills are class skills for cleric
	- cast divination spells at +1 caster level
- Family Domain:   
	- grant +4 dodge bonus to AC to CHA number of creatures = 4
	- usable once/day as a free action, duration = 1 round/level = 1
	- affected creature loses this protection if moves 10 ft away from you
	- you can affect yourself with this ability
- Undeath Domain
	- gain Extra Turning as a bonus feat (+4 turning attempts/day)
- Lore 
	- as per bardic knowledge check; see table in PHB page 
	- use cleric levels + INT bonus = 1 + 0 = +1
- Turning Undead:
	- Turned undead flee from you by the best and fastest means available 
 	  to them. They flee for 10 rounds (1 minute). If they cannot flee, 
	  they cower (giving any attack rolls against them a +2 bonus). If you 
	  approach within 10 feet of them, however, they overcome being turned 
	  and act normally. The effect lasts 10 rounds.
	- range = 60 ft, standard action
	- Times/Day = 3 + CHA + extra-turning = 3 + 4 + 4 = 11/day
	- Turning Checks = 1d20 + CHA + Knowledge, religion synergy + nymph's kiss
			 = 1d20 + 4 + 0 +2
			 = 1d20+6 (see table in PHB pg 159 for highest HD rebuked)
	- Turning Damage = 2d6 + cleric level + CHA
			 = 2d6 + 1 + 4
			 = 2d6+5 (total HD rebuked)
	- Destroy Undead = cleric level/2 = 1/2 = 0.5 HD

Fey-Soul: Races of Renown, pg. 90 (human bonus feat) 
- You have the soul of a muse, sustained by beauty and your own force of 
- At every even level, you may gain bonus hp from Charisma modifier 
  instead of Constitution modifier.

Nymph's Kiss: Book of Exalted Deeds (DM Eyes Only)
- By maintaining an intimate relationship with a good-aligned fey 
  (such as a nymph or dryad), you gain some of the characteristics of fey.
- Benefit: Fey creatures regard you as though you were fey. 
	- You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-related 
	  checks, and a +1 bonus on all saving throws against spells 
	  and spell-like abilities. 
	- Starting with the level when you take this feat, 
	  you gain 1 extra skill point per level. 

Spellcasting Prodigy (1st level bonus feat)
- Divine: treat Wisdom score as +2 higher (i.e. WIS = 20)
  when determining bonus spells

DM Eyes Only (DM Eyes Only)
- DM Eyes Only

DM Eyes Only (DM Eyes Only)
- DM Eyes Only

DM Eyes Only (flaw bonus feat 1) 
- DM Eyes Only

DM Eyes Only (flaw bonus feat 2)
- DM Eyes Only

DM Eyes Only (flaw 1)
- DM Eyes Only

DM Eyes Only (flaw 2)
- DM Eyes Only

Focused (trait 1)
- You gain a +1 bonus on Concentration checks. 
- You take a -1 penalty on Spot and Listen checks. 

Polite (trait 2)
- You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks. 
- You take a -2 penalty on Intimidate checks. 

	0: 3  1: 3+D  2: 0  3: 0  4: 0  5: 0  6: 0  7: 0  8: 0  9: 0

0: 14	TBD, TBD, TBD
1: 15	TBD, TBD, TBD

* cast divination spells at +1 caster level

Knowledge Domain Spells:
(1) detect secret doors; (2) detect thoughts; (3) clairaudience/clairvoyance; 
(4) divination; (5) true seeing; (6) find the path; (7) legend lore; 
(8) discern location; (9) foresight

Family Domain Spells:
(1) bless; (2) shield other; (3) helping hand; 
(4) imbue with spell ability; (5) Rary's telepathic bond; (6) heroes' feast; 
(7) refuge; (8) protection from spells; (9) prismatic sphere

Undeath Domain Spells:
(1) detect undead; (2) desecrate; (3) animate dead; (4) death ward; 
(5) circle of death; (6) create undead; (7) control undead; 
(8) create greater undead; (9) energy drain

GEAR	Total WT= 48.6 + 19.5 = 68.1
	load: light = 26	medium = 53	heavy = 80

WT	Item
---	---------------------
0	traveler's outfit
1	wooden holy symbol: DM Eyes Only (1 gp)
1	THROAT:	  Delzimmer Iron Collar (0 gp)
                  - used to mark a criminal/indentured servant of Delzimmer
                  - magic aura: faint divination magic
                  - magic aura: faint universal magic
25	BODY: 	  chain shirt, masterwork (250 gp)
5	ARMS:	  dastana (25 gp)
15	SHIELD:	  heavy steel shield, masterwork (170 gp)
                  - not being used, only carried right now

1	potion belt = 5/6 vials (1gp)
	- retrieving a potion/vial is a free action once per round
		- vial, ink x2
		- vial, water x3

0.5	belt pouch (1 gp)
0.1		- COINS

2	backpack (2 gp)
1		- flask of holy water
2		- trail rations, 2 days (1 gp)
4		- waterskin, full (1 gp)
0.5		- scroll case (1 gp)
1		- canvas
0		- inkpen
0		- sheets of paper (4 gp) x10
5		- artisan's tools (painting), masterwork (55 gp)
		  - grant +2 circumstance bonus on Craft, Painting checks
1		- healer's kit (10 uses)
		  - grant +2 circumstance bonus on Heal checks
3		- lute, masterwork (100 gp); Complete Adventurer p126
		  - grant +2 circumstance bonus on Perform, String Instrument checks
		  - bardic music: a bard playing the lute is treated as 1 level
		    higher for the purpose of adjudicating the power of bardic 
		    music effects
		  - a bard can cast spells while performing with lute, but only
		    if those spells have no somatic, material or focus components 

pp = 1			
gp = 6	
sp = 			
cp = 			

In Storage:
pp = 		
gp = 	
sp = 		
cp = 		
