Last Updated: June 14, 2012
NOTE 1: Leliatha's Handle Animal Skill = no "Handling" an animal to do a trick it knows is a move action and DC 10, while "pushing" an animal to do a "trick" it doesn't know is a full-round action and DC 25. NOTE 2: Leliatha's Riding Skill = +1 Typical riding actions don't require checks. You can saddle, mount, ride, and dismount from a mount without a problem. The following tasks do require checks: - guide with knees DC = 5 - leap DC = 15 - stay in saddle DC = 5 - spur mount DC = 15 - Fight with warhorse DC = 10 - Control mount in battle DC = 20 - cover DC = 15 - fast mount or dismount DC = 20 - soft fall DC = 15 - AC Check applies to role ============================================================================= "Whitemane" Light Horse: large animal AL = neutral HD = 3 hp = 19; current hp = 19 Init = +1 Spd = 60 ft (heavy load = 40 ft, run x4) AC = 13 = 10 + 0 + 0 + 1 + -1 + 3 + 0 + 0 base + armor + shield + dex + size + nat + deflect + misc touch AC = 10 flat-foot AC = 12 space/reach = 10 ft / 5 ft base attack/grapple = +2/+8 Atk = hoof: -2 melee (1d4+1) full attack = 2 hooves: -2 melee (1d4+1/1d4+1) NOTE: a light horse cannot fight while carrying a rider STR = 14 +2 INT = 2 -4 DEX = 13 +1 WIS = 12 +1 CON = 15 +2 CHA = 6 -2 Total = base +Mod +magic +misc Fortitude: +5 = 3 +2 Reflex: +4 = 3 +1 Will: +2 = 1 +1 Special Quality: - low-light vision - vision = x2 human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight and other shadowy illumination - scent - can identify familiar odors - can detect opponents within 30 ft, 60 ft upwind, 15 ft downwind - strong scents detection range = x2, overpowering scents = x3 - exact location not revealed, unless within 5 ft, but can take a move action to identify the direction of the source Feats: - Endurance: - sleep in light or medium armor = not fatigued - CON checks +4 (see PHB p93) - Run: - when running with light load or light armor, move = x5 - when running with medium/heavy load or armor, move = x4 - jump with running start = +4 to jump check - does not lose DEX AC bonus while running Tricks (3/6): Purpose = riding - come - heel - stay Skills = listen +4, spot +4 ==================================================================================== SKILLS: Total = 6 max = 6/3 Ability Mod Ranks Misc -4 appraise INT -4 -2 balance DEX +1 -3 armor-load -2 bluff CHA -2 -1 climb STR +2 -3 armor-load +2 concentration CON +2 -4 craft INT -4 no decipher script INT -4 -2 diplomacy CHA -2 no disable device INT -4 -2 disguise CHA -2 -2 escape artist DEX +1 -3 armor-load -4 forgery INT -4 -2 gather information CHA -2 -2 handle animal CHA -2 +1 heal WIS +1 -2 hide DEX +1 -3 armor-load -2 intimidate CHA -2 -1 jump STR +2 -3 armor-load no knowledge, arcana INT -4 no knowledge, architect/engineer INT -4 no knowledge, dungeoneering INT -4 no knowledge, geography INT -4 no knowledge, history INT -4 no knowledge, local INT -4 no knowledge, nature INT -4 no knowledge, nobility/royalty INT -4 no knowledge, religion INT -4 no knowledge, the planes INT -4 +4 listen WIS +1 3 -2 move silently DEX +1 -3 armor-load no open lock DEX +1 -2 perform CHA -2 no profession WIS +1 +1 ride DEX +1 -4 search INT -4 +1 sense motive WIS +1 no sleight of hand DEX +1 -3 armor-load no spellcraft INT -4 +4 spot WIS +1 3 +1 survival WIS +1 -4 swim STR +2 -6 armor-load x2 no tumble DEX +1 -3 armor-load no use magic device CHA -2 +1 use rope DEX +1 - speak languages n/a ============================================================================== Protective AC Max Check Spell Item Type bonus Dex penalty Failure Speed WT Notes ------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------- ----- --- ------ medium load n/a n/a +3 -3 n/a 40 ft - run x4 ============================================================================== Carrying Capacity: drag = 2,250 lbs - light load = 150 lbs (60 ft; run x5) - medium load = 300 lbs (40 ft; run x4) - heavy load = 450 lbs (40 ft; run x4) Equipment wt (lbs) equipment ------- --------- 120 rider 68.1 rider's gear 25 riding saddle 1 bit and bridle ----- 214.1 = medium load (40 ft; run x4) ============================================================================== SPECIAL NOTES: