COVID 5.0 - Chapter 1 - Loot

Adventure Date: July 3, 2021

Last Updated: July 6, 2021


The party started out as captives with nothing except their mining tools.
Hammer (Bruenor), Shovels (Faerun, Magoo, Nera, Vlad), pick (Korit)

Group Kitty	= 0 coins/gems  = 0 lbs = 0 gp = 50 gp/lb 

pp = 			   =     0 gp        =   500 gp/lb
gp = 0                     =     0 gp        =    50 gp/lb
sp =                       =     0 gp        =     5 gp/lb
cp = 0			   =     0 gp        =     0.5 gp/lb

Chapter 1
---------                                     value   value    value    wt     wt
                                              each    total    resale   each   total
Source      #   Item                           (gp)    (gp)     (gp)     (lbs)  (lbs)   gp/lb  Notes
------     ---  ----                           -----   -----    -----    -----  -----   -----  ----
gnolls		spear, shield									Faeril
-green		spear										Vlad
-purple		longbow 20 arrows								Korit 
		pouch										Korit
		eagle hair necklace with the wood whistle					Nera
equipment cave	Bruenor's backpack and contents							Bruenor


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