Adventure Date: TBD, 2014
Last Updated: February 7, 2014
class: Wizard/War Weaver/Loremaster/Archmage race: elf(sun) level: 1 = 1/0/0/0 alignment: xp: 0 deity: size: medium age: 120 gender: female height: 5'0" eyes: purple hair: pale gold skin: white weight: 90 lbs Campaign: TBD Home Region: Evereska Languages: Elven, Chondathan, Illuskan, Draconic, Giant, Goblin, Orc ==================================================================================== STR: 8 -1 HP: 6 Speed: 30 ft DEX: 18 +4 AC: 14 (18/22) CON: 14 +2 = 10 + 0(4) + 0(4) + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 INT: 20 +5 base + armor + shield + dex + size + nat + deflect + misc WIS: 8 -1 AC touch: 14 CHA: 8 -1 AC flat-footed: 10 Initiative: +4 Base Attack: +0 ==================================================================================== Total = base +Mod +magic +misc Fortitude: +2 = 0 +2 Reflex: +4 = 0 +4 Will: +1 = 2 -1 - immune to sleep - saving throw bonus vs enchantment = +2 ==================================================================================== Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Type Notes ------------ ------ ------ -------- ----- ---- ----- dagger -1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 10 ft P/S +4 thrown lesser orb +4 1d8 x2 25 ft acid Ranged touch attack (scroll) 1d8 cold 1d8 electricity 1d8 fire 1d6 sonic color spray na unc na 15 ft illusion Will negates DC = 11 blind (cone) mind-affecting spell resistane stun 2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious, so that means non-living can still be blinded/stunned) 3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round. 5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round Protective AC Max Check Spell Item Type bonus Dex penalty Failure Speed WT Notes ------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------- ----- --- ------ mage armor armor +4 na na na na na dur = 1 hour shield shield +4 na na na na na dur = 10 rounds encumbrance light na na na na na na ==================================================================================== SKILLS: Total = 28 max = 4/2 Ability Mod Ranks Misc +5 appraise INT +5 +4 balance DEX +4 -0 AC.enc -1 bluff CHA -1 -1 climb STR -1 -0 AC.enc +7 *concentration CON +2 4 +1 focused +5 *craft INT +5 +8 *craft, weaving INT +5 3 +6 *decipher script INT +5 1 -1 diplomacy CHA -1 no disable device INT +5 -1 disguise CHA -1 +4 escape artist DEX +4 -0 AC.enc +5 forgery INT +5 -1 gather information CHA -1 no handle animal CHA -1 -1 heal WIS -1 +4 hide DEX +4 -0 AC.enc -1 intimidate CHA -1 -1 jump STR -1 -0 AC.enc +15 *knowledge, arcana INT +5 4 +1 absent-minded/+2 college/+3 focus +7 *knowledge, architect/engineer INT +5 4 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, dungeoneering INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, geography INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, history INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, local INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, nature INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, nobility/royalty INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, religion INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded +7 *knowledge, the planes INT +5 1 +1 absent-minded -1 listen WIS -1 -1 absent-minded/-1 focused/+2 elf +4 move silently DEX +4 -0 AC.enc no open lock DEX +4 -1 perform CHA -1 no *profession WIS -1 +4 ride DEX +4 +7 search INT +5 +2 elf -1 sense motive WIS -1 no sleight of hand DEX +4 -0 AC.enc +9 *spellcraft INT +5 4 -1 spot WIS -1 -1 absent-minded/-1 focused/+2 elf -1 survival WIS -1 -1 swim STR -1 -0 AC.enc x2 no tumble DEX +4 -0 AC.enc no use magic device CHA -1 +4 use rope DEX +4 no speak languages n/a 0cc ============================================================================= SPECIAL ABILITIES / FEATS Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: club, dagger, longsword, quarterstaff, rapier, crossbow (light, heavy), longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) Elf: Sun - Favored Class: Wizard - INT+2, CON-2 - Medium-size - base land speed = 30 feet. - low-light vision - vision in starlight, moonlight, torchlight or shadowy illumination = human x2 - immune to sleep - saving throw bonus vs enchantment = +2 - listen+2, search+2, spot+2 - automatic search check if pass within 5 ft of secret or concealed door. - weapon proficiency: the longsword, rapier, longbow (including composite longbow), and shortbow (including composite shortbow) WIZARD - Elf Wizard substitution level (level 1); Races of the Wild p157 - Generalist Wizardry: cannot specialize in a school of magic - begin play with one extra 1st-level spell in spellbook - At each new wizard level, gain one extra spell of any spell level that can cast - may also prepare one additional spell of her highest spell level each day - Wizard Level 1 = +1 1st level bonus spell Scribe Scroll (1st level wizard feat) Spellcasting Prodigy (1st level bonus feat) - Wizard: treat Intelligence score as +2 higher (i.e. INT = 22) when determining bonus spells - bonus spells 1 = +2; 2 = +2; 3 = +1; 4 = +1; 5 = +1; 6 = +1 Collegiate Wizard (flaw bonus feat 1) You have undergone extensive training in a formal school for wizards. - Prerequisites: Int 13, wizard level 1st. - begin play with knowledge of 6 1st-level spells +1 per point of INT modifier. - Each time gain a wizard level, add four spells to your spellbook without additional research. - gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) checks. Skill Focus: knowledge, arcana (flaw bonus feat 2) - gain +3 bonus on knowledge, arcana checks Bruise Easily (flaw 1) - Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take an extra point of damage per damage die against you. Loner (flaw 2) - You do not have the ability to summon a familiar or gain an animal companion. Absent Minded (trait 1) - You are fascinated by knowledge and learning and are capable of pursuing complex trains of thought quite quickly. However, your preoccupation with such thoughts makes you a little less aware of your surroundings. - Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks (although this does not let you use a Knowledge skill untrained). - Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks. - Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with this trait might flit from idea to idea, trailing off in mid-sentence or mumbling their way through complex ideas. Conversely, characters with this trait might be extremely articulate but still allow their thoughts to move faster than the pace of a conversation. Focused (trait 2) - You can keep your attention on a task despite many distractions; however, events in the background pass you by. - Benefit: gain a +1 bonus on Concentration checks. - Drawback: take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks. - Characters with this trait often seem single-minded or even obsessive in their focus on a specific task. ============================================================================= SPELLS 0: 3 1: 1+3b 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 DC 0: 15 detect magic, magehand, resistance 1: 16 feather fall, shield, sleep, OPEN SLOT OPEN SLOT = can study spellbook for 15 minutes to prepare a needed spell - gain 5 spells for spellbooks/level TBD'S SPELLBOOK #1: Level 0 and Level 1 Spells (31/100 pages) Level 0 = 19 pages (1/1) Abjur: resistance (1/1) Conj: acid splash (3/3) Div: detect poison, detect magic, read magic (1/1) Ench: daze (4/4) Evoc: dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost (1/1) Illus: ghost sound (2/2) Necro: disrupt undead, touch of fatigue (4/4) Trans: magehand, mending, message, open/close (2/2) Univ: arcane mark, prestidigitation Level 1 = 12 pages (1/5) Abjur: shield (1/6)+5 Conj: lesser orb of acid, lesser orb of cold, lesser orb of electricity, lesser orb of fire, lesser orb of sound, mage armor (2/5) Div: comprehend languages, identify (1/3) Ench: sleep (0/4) Evoc: (0/5) Illus: (0/3) Necro: (2/8) Trans: erase, feather fall ============================================================================== GEAR Total WT= 10 + 15 = 25 load: light = 26 medium = 53 heavy = 80 WT Item --- --------------------- 0 traveler's outfit 0 HEAD: OPEN SLOT 0 FACE: OPEN SLOT 0 THROAT: OPEN SLOT 0 SHOULDER: OPEN SLOT 0 BODY: OPEN SLOT 0 TORSO: OPEN SLOT 0 WAIST: OPEN SLOT 0 FEET: OPEN SLOT 0 ARMS: OPEN SLOT 0 HANDS: OPEN SLOT 0 RING1: OPEN SLOT 0 RING2: OPEN SLOT 0 SHIELD: OPEN SLOT 1 dagger (2 gp) 0.5 belt pouch (1 gp) 1 - coins 2 spell component pouch (5 gp) 0.5 scroll case #1 (1 gp) - Arcane Scroll: mage armor, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: shield, CL 1 (25 gp) 0.5 scroll case #2 (1 gp) - Arcane Scroll: sleep, CL 1 (25 gp) 0.5 scroll case #3 (1 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of acid, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of cold, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of electricity, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of fire, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of sound, CL 1 (25 gp) 0 Wand of Colour Spray (300 gp) - CL = 1, charges = 20 - command word = "red, yellow, blue" - wand is red, yellow and blue - spiral weave pattern 4 waterskin, full (1 gp) 2 backpack (2 gp) 3 - TBD's Spellbook #1 4 - trail rations, 4 days (2 gp) 5 - bedroll (0.1 gp) 1 - flint and steel (1 gp) ============================================================================== TREASURE pp = gp = 2 sp = 9 cp = ============================================================================= In Storage: pp = gp = sp = cp = ============================================================================== SPECIAL NOTES: Priority is to buy a Heward's Handy Haversack Other wands to acquire: - Wand of Disrupt Undead (375 gp) - Wand of Mage Armor (750 gp) - Wand of Shield (750 gp) - Wand of Magic Missiles With Craft Wand - makes Wand of Lesser Orb ofCaster Level = 1 ( 750 gp value / 375 gp cost), damage = 1d8 energy, range touch = 25 ft Caster Level = 3 (2,250 gp value / 1,125 gp cost), damage = 2d8 energy, range touch = 30 ft Caster Level = 5 (3,750 gp value / 1,875 gp cost), damage = 3d8 energy, range touch = 35 ft Caster Level = 7 (5,250 gp value / 2,625 gp cost), damage = 4d8 energy, range touch = 40 ft Caster Level = 9 (6,750 gp value / 3,375 gp cost), damage = 5d8 energy, range touch = 45 ft Spells to acquire: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: Focus on getting reserve feats. Complete Mage (Level 9+) 3rd level = acidic splatter? fiery burst? WAR WEAVER (Heroes of Battle, p112) Requirements Skills: Craft (weaving) 6 ranks, Knowledge (arcana) 6 ranks Feats: Enlarge Spell Spells: Ability to cast 3rd-level arcane spells Class Skills (2 + Int modifier per level): Concentration, Craft, Knowledge (arcana), Profession, Spellcraft. LOREMASTER Work towards Loremaster prestige class? At 8th Level = Wizard 7/Loremaster 1 Requirements Skills: Knowledge (any two) 10 ranks in each. Level 7 = Knowledge, arcana Level 7 = knowledge, xxx Feats: Any three metamagic or item creation feats, plus Skill Focus (Knowledge [any individual Knowledge skill]). Bonus feat = Skill Focus (knowledge, arcana) Level 1 = scribe scroll Level 3 = brew potion? or craft wondrous item? or metamagic feat? energy substitution-acid (metamagic)? Level 5 = craft wand Level 6 = craft arms and armor? or metamagic feat Spells: Able to cast seven different divination spells, one of which must be 3rd level or higher. Level 1 = Spell Level 0 = 3 Level 1 = Spell Level 1 = 2 Level 3 = Spell Level 2 = 0 Level 5 = Spell Level 3 = 0 loremaster’s class skills Appraise (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (alchemy) (Int), Decipher Script (Int), Gather Information (Cha), Handle Animals (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Speak Language, Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha). Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier. Loremaster Secrets (level +6) 1: lore of true stanima (+2 Fortitude save) 3: newfound arcana (bonus 1st level spell) 5: more newfound arcana (bonus 2nd level spell) 7: applicable knowledge (any feat) 9: +2 reflex or +2 will ARCHMAGE (level 16+) Hit Die: d4. Requirements To qualify to become an archmage, a character must fulfill all the following criteria. Skills: Level 12 = Knowledge (arcana) 15 ranks Level 12 = Spellcraft 15 ranks. Feats: Level 9 = Spell Focus - school of magic 1 - evocation Level 12 = Spell Focus - school of magic 2 - enchantment? Level 15 = Skill Focus (Spellcraft) Spells: Level 14 = Ability to cast 7th-level arcane spells (normally 13, but lose 1 level from WarWeaver), Level 10 = knowledge of 5th-level or higher spells from at least five schools. Class Skills The archmage’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration (Con), Craft (alchemy) (Int), Knowledge (all skills taken individually) (Int), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), and Spellcraft (Int). Skill Points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. ========================================================================== C01 W1: Scribe Scroll bf1: Spellcasting Prodigy flaw1: Collegiate Wizard flaw2: Skill Focus = knowledge, arcana skills: craft,weaving=3, knowledge,arcana=4, knowledge,architect=4, spellcraft=4 spells: CL=1 BAB=+0, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+2 c02 W2: none skills: craft,weaving=5, knowledge,arcana=5, knowledge,architect=5, spellcraft=5 spells: CL=2 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+3 c03 W3: none bf3:Enlarge Spell skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=6, knowledge,architect=6, spellcraft=6 spells: CL=3 BAB=+1, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+3 c04 W4: none a4: INT +1 = 21 skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=7, knowledge,architect=7, spellcraft=7 spells: CL=4 BAB=+2, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+4 c05 W5: Craft Wand skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=8, knowledge,architect=8, spellcraft=8 spells: CL=5 BAB=+2, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+4 C06 WW1: Eldritch tapestry bf6: fiery burst skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=9, knowledge,architect=8+1cc, spellcraft=9 spells: CL=5 BAB=+2, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+6 c07 WW2: Quiescent weaving 1 skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=10, knowledge,architect=8+2cc, spellcraft=10 spells: CL=6 BAB=+3, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+7 c08 WW3: Quiescent weaving 2 a8: INT +1 = 22 skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=11, knowledge,architect=8+2cc, spellcraft=11 spells: CL=7 BAB=+3, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+7 c09 WW4: Quiescent weaving 3 bf9: Spell Focus - evocation skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=12, knowledge,architect=8+2cc, spellcraft=12 spells: CL=8 BAB=+4, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+8 c10 WW5: Enlarged tapestry, quiescent weaving 4 skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=13, knowledge,architect=8+2cc, spellcraft=13 spells: CL=9 BAB=+4, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+8 c11 LM1: Secret = The lore of true stamina = +2 bonus on Fortitude saves skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=14, knowledge,architect=10, spellcraft=14 spells: CL=10 BAB=+4, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+10 c12 LM2: Lore = LM Level + INT bf12: Spell Focus - enchantment a12: INT +1 = 23 skills: craft,weaving=6, knowledge,arcana=15, knowledge,architect=10, spellcraft=15 spells: CL=11 BAB=+5, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+11 c13 LM3: Secret = Newfound arcana = 1 bonus 1st-level spell* spells: CL=12 BAB=+5, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+11 c14 LM4: Bonus Language = spells: CL=13 BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+12 c15 LM5: Secret = More newfound arcana = 1 bonus 2nd-level spell* bf15: Skill Focus = Spellcraft spells: CL=14 BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+12 c16 AM1: High Arcana = Mastery of Elements: 8th level slot a16: INT +1 = 24 spells: CL=15, max = 8th level spell BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+14 c17 spells: CL=16 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c18 bf18: spells: CL=17, , max = 9th level spell BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c19 spells: CL=18 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c20 a20: skills: spells: CL=19 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 ========================================================