Adventure Date: TBD, 2015
Last Updated: November 5, 2015
class: Conjurer/Master Specialist race: human level: 1 = 1/0 alignment: xp: 0 deity: size: medium age: 20 gender: female height: 5'0" eyes: purple hair: pink/purple skin: white weight: 90 lbs Campaign: TBD Home Region: TBD Languages: Chondathan, Draconic, ==================================================================================== STR: 8 -1 HP: 7 Speed: 30 ft DEX: 18 +4 AC: 14 (18/22) CON: 16 +3 = 10 + 0(4) + 0(4) + 4 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 INT: 18 +4 base + armor + shield + dex + size + nat + deflect + misc WIS: 8 -1 AC touch: 14 CHA: 8 -1 AC flat-footed: 10 Initiative: +4 Base Attack: +0 ==================================================================================== Total = base +Mod +magic +misc Fortitude: +3 = 0 +3 Reflex: +4 = 0 +4 Will: +1 = 2 -1 ==================================================================================== Attack Bonus Damage Critical Range Type Notes ------------ ------ ------ -------- ----- ---- ----- dagger -1 1d4-1 19-20/x2 10 ft P/S +4 thrown Protective AC Max Check Spell Item Type bonus Dex penalty Failure Speed WT Notes ------------- ---- ----- ---- ------- ------- ----- --- ------ mage armor armor +4 na na na na na dur = 1 hour shield shield +4 na na na na na dur = 10 rounds encumbrance light na na na na na na ==================================================================================== SKILLS: Total = 28 max = 4/2 Ability Mod Ranks Misc +4 appraise INT +4 +4 balance DEX +4 -0 AC.enc -1 bluff CHA -1 -1 climb STR -1 -0 AC.enc +8 *concentration CON +3 4 +1 focused +4 *craft INT +4 +7 *decipher script INT +4 3 -1 diplomacy CHA -1 no disable device INT +4 -1 disguise CHA -1 +4 escape artist DEX +4 -0 AC.enc +4 forgery INT +4 -1 gather information CHA -1 no handle animal CHA -1 -1 heal WIS -1 +4 hide DEX +4 -0 AC.enc -1 intimidate CHA -1 -1 jump STR -1 -0 AC.enc +11 *knowledge, arcana INT +4 4 +1 absent-minded/+2 college +6 *knowledge, architect/engineer INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, dungeoneering INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, geography INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, history INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, local INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, nature INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, nobility/royalty INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, religion INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded +6 *knowledge, the planes INT +4 1 +1 absent-minded -3 listen WIS -1 -1 absent-minded/-1 focused +4 move silently DEX +4 -0 AC.enc no open lock DEX +4 -1 perform CHA -1 no *profession WIS -1 +4 ride DEX +4 +4 search INT +4 -1 sense motive WIS -1 no sleight of hand DEX +4 -0 AC.enc +8 *spellcraft INT +4 4 +10 *spellcraft, learn conjuration INT +4 " +2 conjurer -3 spot WIS -1 -1 absent-minded/-1 focused -1 survival WIS -1 -1 swim STR -1 -0 AC.enc x2 no tumble DEX +4 -0 AC.enc +1 use magic device CHA -1 2cc +4 use rope DEX +4 no speak languages n/a 0cc ============================================================================= SPECIAL ABILITIES / FEATS Armor: none Shields: none Weapons: club, dagger, quarterstaff, crossbow (light, heavy) CONJURER (WIZARD) - bonus on Spellcraft checks to learn conjuration spells = +2 - Abrupt Jaunt (Immediate Magic: PHB2, page 68), extra-ordinary ability - do not gain a familiar - can teleport up to 10 feet; immediate action, uses/day = INT = 4/day - equivalent spell level = 1/2 wizard = 1, caster level = wizard = 1 - save DC (if applicable) = 10 + 1/2 wizard + INT = 15 - can not bring along any other creatures. - Focused Specialist (Conjurer: Complete Mage page 34) - 3 prohibited schools (enchantment, evocation, illusion) - lose 1 wizard spell per spell level, but gain 3 bonus conjuration spells Scribe Scroll (1st level wizard feat) Spellcasting Prodigy (1st level bonus feat) - Wizard: treat Intelligence score as +2 higher (i.e. INT = 20) when determining bonus spells - bonus spells 1 = +2; 2 = +1; 3 = +1; 4 = +1; 5 = +1; Collegiate Wizard (human bonus feat) You have undergone extensive training in a formal school for wizards. - Prerequisites: Int 13, wizard level 1st. - begin play with knowledge of 6 1st-level spells +1 per point of INT modifier. - Each time gain a wizard level, add four spells to your spellbook - gain a +2 bonus on all Knowledge (arcana) checks. Spell Focus: Conjuration (flaw bonus feat 1) - DC of conjuration spells = +1 Augment Summoning (flaw bonus feat 2) - Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it. Bruise Easily (flaw 1) - Each time you take bludgeoning damage, including that from falls, you take an extra point of damage per damage die against you. Phobia: Fey (flaw 2) - Afflicted by a phobia and persistent fear of any and all Fey. - Fey (as defined in the Monster Manual) include: - dryad, grig, nixie, nymph, pixie and satyr. - She realizes that the fear is excessive and irrational, but the fear is disturbing enough that she avoids the stimulus. - A DC 15 Will save is required to be able to force herself into (or remain within) the presence of any and all Fey, and even then, she will take a -2 morale penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks and ability checks so long as the object of the fear remains. Absent Minded (trait 1) - You are fascinated by knowledge and learning and are capable of pursuing complex trains of thought quite quickly. However, your preoccupation with such thoughts makes you a little less aware of your surroundings. - Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks (although this does not let you use a Knowledge skill untrained). - Drawback: You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks. - Roleplaying Ideas: Characters with this trait might flit from idea to idea, trailing off in mid-sentence or mumbling their way through complex ideas. Conversely, characters with this trait might be extremely articulate but still allow their thoughts to move faster than the pace of a conversation. Focused (trait 2) - You can keep your attention on a task despite many distractions; however, events in the background pass you by. - Benefit: gain a +1 bonus on Concentration checks. - Drawback: take a -1 penalty on Spot checks and Listen checks. - Characters with this trait often seem single-minded or even obsessive in their focus on a specific task. ============================================================================= SPELLS 0: 2w+3c 1: 0w+3c+2b 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 DC 0: 14 acid splash, acid splash, acid splash, disrupt undead, OPEN SLOT 1: 15 lesser orb of cold, lesser orb of fire, summon monster I, feather fall, OPEN SLOT OPEN SLOT = can study spellbook for 15 minutes to prepare a needed spell - gain 4 spells for spellbooks/level TBD'S SPELLBOOK #1: Level 0 and Level 1 Spells (31/100 pages) - cannot learn enchantment, evocation, illusion Level 0 = 19 pages (1/1) Abjur: resistance (1/1) Conj: acid splash (3/3) Div: detect poison, detect magic, read magic (2/2) Necro: disrupt undead, touch of fatigue (4/4) Trans: magehand, mending, message, open/close (2/2) Univ: arcane mark, prestidigitation Level 1 = 10 pages (1/5) Abjur: shield (1/6)+5 Conj: lesser orb of acid, lesser orb of cold, lesser orb of electricity, lesser orb of fire, lesser orb of sound, mage armor, summon monster I (2/5) Div: identify (0/3) Necro: (2/8) Trans: feather fall ============================================================================== GEAR Total WT= 10 + 15 = 25 load: light = 26 medium = 53 heavy = 80 WT Item --- --------------------- 0 traveler's outfit 0 HEAD: OPEN SLOT 0 FACE: OPEN SLOT 0 THROAT: OPEN SLOT 0 SHOULDER: OPEN SLOT 0 BODY: OPEN SLOT 0 TORSO: OPEN SLOT 0 WAIST: OPEN SLOT 0 FEET: OPEN SLOT 0 ARMS: OPEN SLOT 0 HANDS: OPEN SLOT 0 RING1: OPEN SLOT 0 RING2: OPEN SLOT 0 SHIELD: OPEN SLOT 1 dagger (2 gp) 0.5 belt pouch (1 gp) 1 - coins 2 spell component pouch (5 gp) 0.5 scroll case #1 (1 gp) - Arcane Scroll: mage armor, CL 1 (25 gp each) x2 - Arcane Scroll: shield, CL 1 (25 gp each) x2 0.5 scroll case #2 (1 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of acid, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of cold, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of electricity, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of fire, CL 1 (25 gp) - Arcane Scroll: lesser orb of sound, CL 1 (25 gp) 4 waterskin, full (1 gp) 2 backpack (2 gp) 3 - TBD's Spellbook #1 4 - trail rations, 4 days (2 gp) 5 - bedroll (0.1 gp) 1 - flint and steel (1 gp) ============================================================================== TREASURE pp = gp = 2 sp = 9 cp = ============================================================================= In Storage: pp = gp = sp = cp = ============================================================================== SPECIAL NOTES: Priority is to buy a Heward's Handy Haversack wands to acquire: - Wand of Disrupt Undead (375 gp) - Wand of Mage Armor (750 gp) - Wand of Shield (750 gp) Ability Boosters to INT +1 = 1,000 gp +2 = 4,000 gp +3 = 9,000 gp +4 = 16,000 gp +5 = 25,000 gp +6 = 36,000 gp Lesser Metamagic Rod of Extend (3,000 gp) 3/day - Metamagic Rod of Extend (11,000 gp) 3/day Ring of Mighty Summons; complete mage, page 127 (14,000 gp) - summoned creatures arrive with maximum hp = 3/day Spells to acquire: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: ========================================================================== MASTER SPECIALIST (CONJURATION) at 4th level - ENTRY REQUIREMENTS - Skills: Knowledge (arcana) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks. - Feat: Spell Focus (school of specialization). - Spellcasting: Must be able to cast 2nd-level arcane spells. - Special: Must be a specialist wizard. FEATS 1 Spell Focus: Conjuration 1 AUGMENT SUMMONING Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it. RAPID SPELL [METAMAGIC] You can cast spells with long casting times more quickly. Benefit: Only spells with a casting time greater than 1 standard action can be made rapid. A rapid spell with a casting time of 1 full round can be cast as a standard action. A rapid spell with a casting time measured in rounds can be cast in 1 full round. Rapid spells with casting times measured in minutes can be cast in 1 minute, and rapid spells with casting times measured in hours can be cast in 1 hour. A rapid spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level. Special: A spell can be made rapid and quickened only if its original casting time was 1 full round. This feat can be applied to a spell cast spontaneously as long as its original casting time was longer than 1 full round. IMBUED SUMMONING Your summoning spells gain an element of surprise. You can summon creatures that come into existence with the benefit of a spell such as invisibility or bull’s strength. Prerequisites: Augment Summoning, Spell Focus (conjuration). Benefit: When you cast a spell from the summoning subschool, you can choose to grant the summoned creature the benefit of any spell of 3rd level or lower you can cast that has a range of touch. You cast the spell you wish to grant the creature (using a prepared spell or a spell slot) at the same time you cast your summoning spell. The creature gains the benefit of the spell when it appears. An imbued summoning spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell’s actual level. METAMAGIC SCHOOL FOCUS You are unusually skilled at modifying the effects of a particular school of magic. Prerequisite: Spell Focus (chosen school) or specialist wizard in chosen school. Benefit: Choose a school of magic for which you have the Spell Focus feat, or the school in which you have specialized. Three times per day, you can reduce by one level the cost of a metamagic feat applied to a spell of the chosen school. If you prepare spells, you can have only up to three such reducedcost spells prepared at any time. Special: A wizard can select this feat as a wizard bonus feat. This feat can be taken more than once. Each time you take it, it applies to a different school of magic. CLOUDY CONJURATION Your conjured creations and summoned beings appear in a puff of sickening black smoke, and you vanish in a cloud of the same when you teleport. Prerequisite: Spell Focus (conjuration) or conjurer level 1st. Benefit: When you cast a conjuration spell, you can choose to have a 5-foot-radius cloud of sickening smoke manifest. The cloud can appear in your space, adjacent to you, or in the space of or adjacent to your target (if any). The cloud lasts for 1 round. Any living creature is sickened while inside it (but not after exiting). The cloud in all other ways acts like a small area of the fog cloud spell. Creatures immune to poison are immune to the sickening effect. The cloud appears in conjunction with the spell taking effect (not before or after). Any creature you call or summon with the spell is immune to the sickening effect of the cloud. Special: A conjurer can select this feat as a wizard bonus feat. Extend Spell (metamagic feat) ACIDIC SPLATTER [RESERVE] You can channel magical energy into orbs of acid. Prerequisite: Ability to cast 2nd-level spells. Benefit: As long as you have an acid spell of 2nd level or higher available to cast, you can throw an orb of acid as a ranged touch attack. The attack has a range of 5 feet per level of the highest-level acid spell you have available to cast and deals ld6 points of damage per level of that acid spell. As a secondary benefit, you gain a +1 competence bonus to your caster level when casting acid spells. Dimensional Reach Ability to cast 3rd-level spells Summon a small item, +1 CL on summoning spells Summon Elemental Ability to cast 4th-level spells Summon elemental, +1 CL on summoning spells ========================================================================== C01 Conj1: Scribe Scroll bf1: Spellcasting Prodigy human: Collegiate Wizard flaw1: Spell Focus: Conjuration flaw2: Augment Summoning SPELLS: CL=1 0: 2w+3c+0b 1: 0w+3c+2b 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+0, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+2 c02 Conj2: none skills: craft,weaving=5, knowledge,arcana=5, knowledge,architect=5, spellcraft=5 spells: CL=2 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 1w+3c+2b 2: 0 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+3 c03 Conj3: none bf3: acidic splatter (reserve feat) spells: CL=3 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 1w+3c+2b 2: 0w+3c+1b 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+1, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+3 c04 MS1: Skill Focus (Spellcraft) a4: INT +1 = 19 spells: CL=4 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 2w+3c+2b 2: 1w+3c+1b 3: 0 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+1, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+5 c05 MS2: Expanded spellbook - comjuration spells: CL=5 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 2w+3c+2b 2: 1w+3c+1b 3: 0w+3c+1b 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+2, FORT=+1, REF=+1, WILL=+6 C06 MS3: Greater Spell Focus (conjuration) bf6: Rapid Spell - casting time of 1 round reduced to 1 standard action spells: CL=6 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 2w+3c+2b 2: 2w+3c+1b 3: 1w+3c+1b 4: 0 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+2, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+6 c07 MS4: Minor school esoterica - summoned creatures get bonus hp = caster level spells: CL=7 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 2w+3c+1b 3: 1w+3c+1b 4: 0w+3c+1b 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+3, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+7 c08 MS5: Expanded spellbook - conjuration a8: INT +1 = 20 spells: CL=8 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 2w+3c+2b 3: 2w+3c+1b 4: 1w+3c+1b 5: 0 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+3, FORT=+2, REF=+2, WILL=+7 c09 MS6: Caster level increase +1 (conjuration) bf9: IMBUED SUMMONING spells: CL=9 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 3w+3c+2b 3: 2w+3c+1b 4: 1w+3c+1b 5: 0w+3c+1b 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+4, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+8 c10 MS7: Moderate school esoterica = +5 caster level for conjuration spells vs dispel spells: CL=10 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 3w+3c+2b 3: 2w+3c+1b 4: 2w+3c+1b 5: 1w+3c+1b 6: 0 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+4, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+8 c11 MS8: Expanded spellbook - conjuration 6th level spell spells: CL=11 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 3w+3c+2b 3: 3w+3c+1b 4: 2w+3c+1b 5: 1w+3c+1b 6: 0w+3c+1b 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+5, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+9 c12 MS9: Caster level increase +2 (conjuration) bf12: METAMAGIC SCHOOL FOCUS a12: INT +1 = 21 spells: CL=12 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 3w+3c+2b 3: 3w+3c+1b 4: 2w+3c+1b 5: 2w+3c+1b 6: 1w+3c+1b 7: 0 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+5, FORT=+4, REF=+4, WILL=+9 c13 MS10: Major school esoterica = cast conjuration spell with a standard action as swift = 3/day spells: CL=13 0: 3w+3c+0b 1: 3w+3c+2b 2: 3w+3c+2b 3: 3w+3c+1b 4: 3w+3c+1b 5: 2w+3c+1b 6: 1w+3c+1b 7: 0w+3c+0b 8: 0 9: 0 BAB=+6, FORT=+4, REF=+4, WILL=+10 c14 spells: CL=14 BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+12 c15 bf15: Skill Focus = Spellcraft spells: CL=15 BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+12 c16 a16: INT +1 = 22 spells: CL=16 BAB=+6, FORT=+3, REF=+3, WILL=+14 c17 spells: CL=17 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c18 bf18: spells: CL=18 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c19 spells: CL=19 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 c20 a20: skills: spells: CL=20 BAB=+1, FORT=+0, REF=+0, WILL=+0 ========================================================